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The next day, when Tina woke up, he start preparing himself to get ready for school.

He went to wake Engfa and Nudee after he finished washing up.

Engfa then prepared simple breakfast for the three of them and after the other two finished washing up, they went down and start having their breakfast.

As written in the schedule, Nudee will be washing the dishes while Engfa cleans up the dining and kitchen area.

Once they are done with the cleaning, they went back to their room to get change and be prepared for school.

When Tina is changing his clothes, a message came and Tina went to take a look.

Tina is still wondering who will it be to message him so early and it turns out to be Charlotte.

*Charlotte: You going school already?

*Tina: Yes

*Charlotte: And you're not going to tell me?

*Tina: You're serious about going to school together?

*Charlotte: Of course I am! Why would I wake up so early for then?

*Tina: Then what about your friends?

*Charlotte: They are also awake. But they are a little whiny right now cause they are complaining that they wake up too early.

*Tina: ...

*Tina: Fine...Fine... We will be heading out soon.

*Charlotte: We?

*Tina: Me together with my friends.

*Charlotte: Oh okay. Then we will wait outside your house then.


After that, Tina continue changing his clothes and he went out to put on his shoes.

"We will be having a few new guests." Tina said to Nudee and Engfa who is waiting for her.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Engfa asked.

"You'll know later." Tina said and they went out.

They then saw the girls outside their house and Tina isn't surprise about it obviously.

But Dahyun and Engfa is shocked.

"How are you ladies here?" Engfa said.

"They live nearby." Nudee said and Tina looked at her.

"You know?" Tina asked.

"There's once I sent Chumpo home. She said that she and her friends shared and rented an apartment." Nudee said.

"Wait... What is going on right now?" Engfa is still in confusion.

Chumpo's tiredness went away instantly and she turned to a shy Chumpo instead after seeing Nudee

Nudee is smiling widely when he is approaching Chumpo.

"Good morning." Nudee said and Chumpo combed strands of her hair to hook behind her ear with her hand.

"Good morning." Chumpo said shyly.

"Let's go." Charlotte said and stood beside Tina.

"Good morning." Charlotte said and smiled to Tina.

"Morning." Tina said, turning his head away so that he won't see Charlotte's gummy smile.

Tina then start walking and Charlotte quickly followed up.

Charlotte start talking to Tina randomly and the same thing goes to ChumDee.

Engfa and Heidi then walked at the back in silence.

Engfa observed quietly how Charlotte act and talked to Tina while Tina always maintained an uninterested face.

Heidi then didn't mind them and continue messaging to one of her "toys".

As days passed by, this routine carried on.

They started get to know each other better and Charlotte knows that she's developing some feelings for Tina.

However, she doesn't know if Tina have the same feelings for her.


No more Chartin ships I guess :) HAHAHAHAHAHAH XD

143 (Englot , Heina & CHUMDEE)Where stories live. Discover now