CHAPTER 25 ( One Last Hug <3 )

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"Is that Tina?" Chumpo asked and Charlotte looked over.

She then saw Tina talking to a girl but the girl seems to be flirting with her girlfriend and that dense Tina did not even realize it.

Charlotte walked over quickly and stood beside Tina, attempting to shoo the girl away from her girlfriend.

But the girl just rolled her eyes at Charlotte and continue "talking" to Tina.

And with this situation, Charlotte realize what she have missed.

"I'm sorry but my girlfriend and I have to leave for class first." Tina said and hook her arm around Charlotte's shoulder and dragged her away.

Tina sent Charlotte back to her class first before going back to her class.

Charlotte sat down at her seat but she can't stop thinking about what is happening.

Heidi realize that Charlotte have been staring blankly since the start of the lesson so she called Charlotte softly.

Charlotte gained back her senses and turned over to look at Sana.

"Are you okay? You have been dazing out since the start of the lesson." Heidi said and Charlotte was debating if she should tell Heidi about what she thought.

She then looked at Heidi who is looking at her worriedly.

"I was thinking about my relationship with Tina." Charlotte said and Heidi nodded.

"Is there something wrong? I thought the two of you were fine and loving? Or did she bully you?" Heidi asked.

"He's a very nice, gentle and caring woman. It's not her problem, it's mine..." Charlotte said and looked down.

"What's wrong with you?" Heidi asked.

"I don't feel something in our relationship." Charlotte said and Heidi looked at Charlotte waiting for her to continue.

"Jealousy." Charlotte said and sighed.

"When I see Tina talking to other girls or receiving gifts from her so-called fan girls just like earlier, I don't feel jealous. I don't think this is right, right?" Charlotte said and Heidi looked at her for a few seconds before she speaks up.

"You don't really like her as a woman do you?" Heidi asked but Charlotte shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm confused now." Charlotte said, sounding so helpless.

"Look, you should think through about you feelings again. I can't help you with this problem and no one could. The only way is for you to sort out your feelings and make up your mind. If you don't really like her, you should tell her earlier so that she won't get hurt. I mean she would still get hurt if you get honest with her but the pain isn't that much. The longer you drag, the harder it will be for you to open up to her." Heidi said and Charlotte took in her advice.

"But Tina has been treating me so good that I couldn't bear telling her this." Charlotte said.

"You have to. Talk to her peacefully and have a clean and peaceful break." Heidi said and Charlotte nodded.

"But... Who's the girl that you like then? I'm sure there's someone in your heart which makes you realize and start thinking through this." Heidi said and Charlotte shook her head.

"No one. I'm thinking it thoroughly after seeing what happened." Charlotte said but Heidi knows that there's someone that is already occupying her heart.

"Sure... I will see who is your next girlfriend then." Heidi said and Charlotte ignored her by listening to the lecturer.

Heidi might have know who is it but she can't give a confirmed answer.

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