"Ah... and I suppose you learn those tricks from your TV shows too?"

"Of course where else?" I deadpanned. "There is not a cheesy love story in online games."

"I never had to do such a thing with my last crush." Empress sighed.

"I know," I replied with a frown. Remembering Empress's ex-crush. Indeed Empress never had to do such things to attract attention because Odette was all over her whenever she needs something.

Odette was Empress's first girlfriend. At first, I thought the two of them were cute. That was until she was just using Empress for favors and just a setback whenever she's mad at her real boyfriend. They dated for almost three months before Empress had the courage to call it quits. Three horrible months - well, depends on whose perspective. The breakup was ugly. Odette turned the tides to try and throw all the blame to Empress. She had accused the Canadian of having a delusion that they were girlfriends and she was just a possessive, controlling, and overly jealous stalker and threatened to out her to the media.

In the end, Odette left the Photography world and married her boyfriend, and Empress was left distraught. Later on, Empress vowed to never let anyone in again which I thought was bulls.

Empress not only had let Kaylor in, but she was also head over heels with the girl in such a short period of time. Odette was the wrong person for Empress. Even I had never really like the girl; however, I like Kaylor. Ever since the first day we met. Kaylor was nothing like Odette and I had never seen Empress this happy before. I really hope that Empress and Kaylor will work out.

"Hey, guys!" Kaylor approached us from behind and took a plate of fruits and pasta.

Empress's face immediately brightened and I rolled my eyes. The girl couldn't be any more obvious.

"Hey Kay, come and sit here." Empress moved her chair to make room for Kaylor.

Kaylor began eating her pasta while Empress watched her fondly.

Out of nowhere, I asked. "Kaylor, are you gay?"

Both the girls were caught off guard by the question. Unfortunately for Kaylor, the pasta just went through the wrong pipe and she began to cough violently. Empress quickly offered her the orange juice and rubbed her back.

I, on the other hand, found the life-threatening scene in front of me quite amusing and started laughing. I only stopped when Empress threw me a murderous look and kicked my shin. After a few minutes, Kaylor finally regained her ability to breathe normally and wiped the tears off her face. She looked at us wearily.

"Kaylor, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to cause you to choke." I apologized ashamedly.

"Are you alright?" Empress rubbed Kaylor's back and offered a napkin.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine." Kaylor's throat was like sandpaper from all the coughing.

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