▪︎ Chapter 4 ; Out Of Oil ▪︎

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The 3 rushed back to the Garden, where Donald began his speech.

"Men, I called you all here today to discuss a heavy issue. There isn't enough oil. We only have 79 Trillion gallons, but America needs more. How else will we heat up our McDonalds burgers?" The crowd collectively gasped, and chatter soon erupted. "May I suggest something?" Obama raised his hand and smirked. "Of course, my love." Wait, MY LOVE? Biden's eyes widened. He must have been hallucinating! This couldn't be happening, Joe was too late! Whatever Obama did to seduce Trumpy Dumpy, it worked. This meant WAR, if Biden couldn't have Donald, nobody could.

Biden was still processing this new information when Obama spoke, "I suggest that we drill up Antartica! There's TONS of oil there, and like, I think it would be a great idea 💋💅 lol," Obama giggled, "Since, Joey here is the current president, I think we should go out there and... asess... the current situation in Antartica. I'll go with him, since it WAS my idea," Obama turned to look at joe, his gaze alone practically peircing Joe's brain. His sassy personality ENRAGED Biden but that stupid idea made him even more mad.

Joe was about to detest when his boo boo bear cut him off. "I agree! Your so smart Obama Care ♡. Joe, since you're already here and since I already have the materials, why don't I send you two off right now? The sooner we get our greedy.. I mean, Intellectual hands on some oil the sooner we get rich!" Trump's words were smart, but the hooligans sitting in his crowd were no smarter. They all agreed at his plan and Joe's fate was already settled before he could even accept it.

♡ Presidential Feelings • Biden × Trump × Obama ♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora