𝔳𝔦𝔦𝔦. drunk prince, sunghoon

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" drunk prince"

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" drunk prince"

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ONCE UPON A TIME in the whimsical kingdom of Eldoria, there lived a charming and carefree prince named Sunghoon. Known for his mischievous adventures and love for a good time, Prince Sunghoon was the heartthrob of the kingdom. However, there was one maiden who had captured his heart like no other – Princess Y/n.

Princess Y/n was not only known for her beauty but also her kindness and grace. She had a smile that could light up the darkest room, and her presence was enough to calm the wildest storms. It was no secret in the kingdom that Prince Sunghoon harboured a deep affection for Princess Y/n, but he had yet to find the courage to confess his feelings.

One festive evening, the kingdom was celebrating the annual Midsummer Festival. The air was filled with laughter, music, and the scent of delicious treats. Prince Sunghoon, known for his love of revelry, found himself at the centre of the festivities, enjoying the merriment alongside his loyal subjects.

As the night progressed, Prince Sunghoon, fueled by the festive spirits, found himself indulging in one too many cups of the kingdom's famous elderberry wine. His laughter echoed through the castle halls, and his steps became a tad unsteady. In his inebriated state, the mischievous prince decided it was finally time to reveal his feelings to Princess Y/n.

With a wobbly determination, Prince Sunghoon stumbled towards the grand ballroom where the princess was gracefully waltzing with the other nobles. The room was adorned with twinkling lights, casting a magical glow over the dancing couples. Spotting Princess Y/n in a stunning gown of midnight blue, Prince Sunghoon's heart skipped a beat.

As he approached the princess, his loyal companion, a mischievous court jester named Ni-ki, tried to intervene. "Perhaps, my prince, it's not the best time," Ni-ki whispered, attempting to guide Sunghoon away. But the determined prince shook his head and continued on his path.

"Princess Y/n!" Prince Sunghoon slurred, drawing the attention of the entire ballroom. The music came to a screeching halt, and all eyes turned to the intoxicated prince.

Princess Y/n, a mixture of surprise and amusement on her face, approached the swaying prince. "Prince Sunghoon, what brings you here in such high spirits?" she inquired with a giggle.

"I... I have something important to tell you!" Prince Sunghoon declared, a goofy grin plastered on his face.

The courtiers exchanged amused glances, and even the stoic guards struggled to hide their smirks.

"Tonight, under the stars and amidst the twinkling lights, I must confess – I love you, Princess Y/n! You are the most enchanting, bewitching, and utterly... amazing person I've ever met!" Prince Sunghoon proclaimed, his words punctuated by a hiccup.

Princess Y/n's cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink as she tried to suppress her laughter. "Well, Prince Sunghoon, I must say that's quite the declaration."

The onlookers burst into laughter, and even Ni-ki couldn't contain his amusement. Prince Sunghoon, unaware of the comedic turn of events, beamed at the princess.

"Perhaps, my prince," Princess Y/n teased, "we should continue this conversation when you're a bit more... sober?"

And so, amidst laughter and joy, the Midsummer Festival continued, leaving the kingdom with a tale of a drunk prince and his charmingly awkward confession of love. Little did Prince Sunghoon know that his courageous, albeit tipsy, declaration would become a cherished memory, spoken of with fondness for generations to come in the kingdom of Eldoria.

After the uproarious confession at the Midsummer Festival, Princess Y/n couldn't help but find Prince Sunghoon's intoxicated state endearing. With a gentle smile, she took his arm and led him away from the amused crowd, deciding it was best to guide him to his chamber before he caused any more mischief.

As they walked through the castle halls, Prince Sunghoon leaned on the princess for support, his steps still a bit unsteady. "You're like a beautiful star, Y/n," he mumbled, causing her to chuckle softly.

"Thank you, Prince Sunghoon. But let's get you to bed before you start comparing me to the moon or something," she teased.

Reaching the prince's bedroom, Princess Y/n helped him onto his plush canopy bed. However, Prince Sunghoon seemed unwilling to let go of her arm. "You're comfy," he declared with a wide grin, looking up at her with puppy-dog eyes.

Princess Y/n couldn't help but laugh at his adorable antics. "Well, thank you, Your Highness. Now, it's time for you to rest," she said, gently trying to extricate herself from his grasp.

"No, stay," Prince Sunghoon pleaded, his eyes pleading like a child who didn't want to be left alone.

Unable to resist his charm, Princess Y/n sighed playfully. "Alright, just for a moment."

She settled beside him on the bed, and Prince Sunghoon immediately snuggled closer, resting his head on her shoulder. "You smell nice," he mumbled, causing the princess to giggle.

"Thank you, Prince Sunghoon. Now, close your eyes and rest," she suggested, gently stroking his hair.

The prince obediently closed his eyes but couldn't resist holding onto Princess Y/n's hand. "You won't leave, will you?" he asked, his voice a mix of sleepiness and vulnerability.

Princess Y/n's heart melted at his innocence. "No, I won't leave. I'll stay until you're sound asleep," she reassured him.

As Prince Sunghoon drifted into a peaceful slumber, Princess Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected sweetness that emerged from his inebriated state. The once mischievous and carefree prince now lay before her, vulnerable and clingy in the most endearing way.

As the night unfolded, Princess Y/n found herself cherishing this unique and heartwarming moment. Little did she know that the tale of the drunk prince's adorable clinginess would become a cherished story in the kingdom, passed down through the generations as a testament to the whimsical nature of love in Eldoria.

 Little did she know that the tale of the drunk prince's adorable clinginess would become a cherished story in the kingdom, passed down through the generations as a testament to the whimsical nature of love in Eldoria

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