"You're sure?" Klaus leaned closer to her belly, sniffing.

Bonnie leaned back, a little tickled by his canine-like action.

"My ancestors confirmed it. And so did Esther. She used the baby to take over my body."

Klaus lifted her shirt and pressed his nose against her skin. He sniffed again before murmuring;

"I knew you smelled different in the Salvatore's backyard but...the idea that you could be pregnant never crossed my mind. I thought it was impossible."

He glanced up at her and Bonnie nearly fell backward at the emotion in his eyes. It was a mixture of pride and wonder...and love.

"You're carrying my child? My actual child is inside you?"

He pulled her closer, her back against him as his hand rested on her exposed belly.

"Our child," she corrected him softly, "is growing inside me, yea. Half Bennett, half Mikaelson. I felt the baby's soul when Esther possessed me. I had to fight to set it free."

She remembered the light in it's blinding purity. The strength of its innocence. There was warmth there as she'd felt with the other Bennett souls who'd lent her their support. She'd always be grateful for what they'd done to help. Especially to Grams for making her understand and to Emily for holding Esther off in the process. She'd never forget their effort or Emily's final words before she'd faded back into the spirit world.

Take care of yourself. And my descendant in there too. Don't let the Mikaelsons corrupt her light.

Wait a minute. Her light? So the baby was...

"I hope it's a girl," she was surprised to hear Klaus say.

"And that she takes after you in every way."

Should she tell him what Emily had revealed to her or let it be a surprise?

"Well almost," he added. "I'd rather our child have better taste in friends. But if it's a boy that's fine. Any child that comes from our union is worth loving."

She started at the insult to her friends but Klaus tightened his hold and her body relaxed. He continued to hold her, his wolf heat having the same calming effect as earlier in the caves. The apprehension and fear she'd felt at becoming a mom so young was slowly melting.

"I grew up with four brothers; Finn, Elijah, Kol and Henrik. We only had one sister, Rebekah. You can imagine the testosterone in our household. The competition, the fights, the efforts to prove ourselves...and having a father like Mikael only made it worse. Don't get me wrong, we loved each other dearly but of all of my siblings Rebekah has always been the most loyal to me. Much like you are with your friends."

Bonnie closed her eyes, enjoying this glimpse into the heart of her new mate.

"And that's why you want a daughter? Because you think girls are more loyal?" she asked.

He paused.

"Well that sounds a bit sexist don't you think?"

She smiled teasingly, "Yea, I guess it does."

"Sorry to say you're sorely mistaken. Did you forget that I was conceived through the adulterous actions of my mother who joined forces with a woman colleague to murder the love of my eternal life? Hardly grounds to promote trust in the female species."

She nestled into him.

"But you trust me," she noted.

"Of course I do, Bonnie. You're my mate. And the mother of my child."

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