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Tyler and Caroline stood by awkwardly after Bonnie and Klaus's departure

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Tyler and Caroline stood by awkwardly after Bonnie and Klaus's departure. Neither dared to face the other, only glancing when they thought the other wasn't looking. Tyler was shuffling, his shoulders hunched in defeat. He was still shirtless and above his sweat she could still smell his earlier indiscretions. Ah the joys of being a vampire! Not!

Finally Caroline had enough. Of the smell, of the guessing. She had to know.

"Did you sleep with Bonnie?" she blurted.

He stiffened but didn't look her in the eye.

"No! No, that never happened."

Yet the guilt was oozing off of him. She crossed her arms under her chest.

"Then what did happened because you sure smell like something did. In fact this place smells like..."

She glanced over in the distance at something only her vampire eyes could see. Further back by the area where they'd originally found the new mates. A peice of clothing that reeked of Tyler and Bonnie and...Damon?

Greta hadn't said anything about Damon when she was in her head but then again the spirit had been too preoccupied with thoughts of Klaus.

"Did you all have some supernatural threesome?" she couldn't believe what she was smelling. Normally she wouldn't have noticed Damon but his scent was so wrapped up on the same material as Tyler's release that she had to wonder.

Tyler was confused.

"Threesome?! What-"

"I'm too undead for you but you let Damon join in your little sexcapade? You just like undead male things?"

Tyler's eyes blew into saucers.

"NO, NO GOD NO! I just used his shirt okay. To...to clean up."

Caroline glared, knowing the word he couldn't say.

"Your cum. Right? Because you and Bonnie were down here cumming together?"

His face was red with shame.

"It wasn't her fault. It was my wolf. I-I just lost control and..."

He cleared his throat.

"And?" she remembered what Greta had said while she was in her head but she needed to hear it from Tyler.

"I didn't give her a choice."

He rubbed the back of his neck, guilty.

"I know it's not an excuse but...it's this wolf thing. I don't know how to stop it. It was like I was compelled but not by a vampire. By this inner-animal. I couldn't think or do anything except follow my instincts."

She knew that much. His heats could make him behave rather primitively.

"And your instincts were to screw Bonnie?"

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