Chapter 17

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Mason scanned the horizon, looking for a glimpse of the elusive island. Hours of sailing had invited the unwelcome companion of boredom.

Turning to the eagle perched on the mast, Mason raised an eyebrow. "So, you're an eagle, huh?"

The eagle met his inquiry with an impassive stare.

"Talking to an eagle. I must be desperate for company. I just want to reach that island already," Mason muttered.

As if responding to his impatience, dark clouds amassed overhead, unleashing a tumultuous thunderstorm.

"Great," Mason thought, hands tightening on the wheel. Navigating the ship through the storm was a daunting task for someone with minimal sailing experience.

"Hey, can you lend me a hand?" he quipped at the eagle, receiving only silence before it flew away. Cursing under his breath, Mason found himself alone in the storm. A colossal wave shattered the ship, plunging him into unconsciousness as he was tossed into the water. The beach greeted Mason as he regained consciousness, his leg throbbing with pain. An older woman stood above him, brandishing a map.

"Who are you?" he groaned.

"I'm the one who saved you. You're lucky I found you, or you would have drowned," she replied.

"Thank you... Auch," Mason exclaimed.

"Your leg should be fine by next week," she assured him.

"Next week? But I need to find someone," Mason protested.

"Let me guess. Arno sent you to look for his sister," she remarked.

"How do you know?" Mason inquired.

"I saw the map you had. It had directions to this island. And I'm the person you're looking for," she disclosed.

"You're his sister?" Mason exclaimed.

"Yes. I'm Ava," she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Ava. I'm Mason, and I came here to tell you that we need you for..." Mason began, but Ava cut him off.

"If my brother wants me to go back, then forget it. I'm not going," Ava declared.

"But he needs you, and so does Tada," Mason implored.

"Tada? I thought he was dead?" Ava asked.

"He's not. But his wife was killed by the king's army, and ever since then, he's been trying to overthrow the king. But it's impossible because we don't have enough people. That's why we've been recruiting more... And your brothers need you too, you know," Mason explained.

"I... I'll think about it," Ava conceded.

"Can I ask you something?" Mason queried.

"What is it?" Ava wondered.

"Why did you leave your brother? Is it because you didn't want to be an assassin anymore?" Mason asked.

"Yes. I hated what I was doing, and I wanted to get away from it. And Tada... he moved on with his life. He had a daughter. By the way, how is she doing?" Ava said.

"Well, I left her behind, and I'm pretty sure she's angry at me. But I hope she'll understand that I'm doing this for her and to set the people of this world free," Mason said.

"You're not from around here, are you?" Ava asked.

"No, it's a long story. But I'll tell you," Mason said, lowering his voice.

Mason shared the tale of how he ended up in this dimension and why he was aiding Luna and her father.

"I see. I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you think you can get back to your dimension?" Ava asked.

"I don't know. I think the portal might have exploded," Mason said.

"That's terrible. But I'm sure you'll find a way back someday," Ava reassured.

"I hope so," Mason said.

"Well, you've convinced me. I'll go with you," Ava decided.

"Really?" Mason beamed.

"Yes. I want to help Tada, and I also want to meet my niece, Luna," Ava said.

Mason smiled at her, and they both drifted into sleep. The next morning, they awoke and shared breakfast.

"So, Mason, I noticed your birthmark on your forehead," Ava said.

"Oh, that. I don't know why I have it or what it means. But I'm ashamed of it," Mason confessed, blushing a little.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of," Ava giggled.

"All the kids used to tease me because of it," Mason admitted.

"You should be proud of it. It's unique," Ava encouraged.

Mason smiled a little and finished his breakfast. Meanwhile, Mabel bid farewell to her friends in California.

"We'll miss you, Mabel," one of her friends said.

"I'll miss you guys too," Mabel reciprocated.

"Come on, Mabel, it's time to go," Henry called.

"Yeah, Waddles and Fluffy are waiting," Rachel added. (Fluffy is the cat, by the way).

"Okay, Mom," Mabel agreed, giving her friends one last hug.

She climbed into the car and buckled her seatbelt. As they drove away from California, leaving behind the sunny beaches and palm trees, a long road trip to Gravity Falls lay ahead.

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