Tricky Confession

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<Kokichi POV> (Current Deaths: Zero)


I was awoken by the annoying sound of Monokuma and the Monokubs' morning bell. I groaned as I sat up and rubbed the sleepy away from my eyes. I was never really much of a morning person. Or a day person at all for that matter. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have to stay awake all day and would only be out at night like a good little vampire, obeying it's natural instincts. I took a morning shower and got ready for my day as I usually did, though it has only been a few days and not a single person has yet to die in this dumb little killing game. I wonder if someone will actually kill or be killed? Meh, I don't care that much. Well, maybe I do care for a specific someone...

I stretched before I opened the door and closed it behind me, cheerfully skipping to the dining hall for the usual morning meeting. Ah, the chaos I can cause today, the possibilities are endless. Perhaps I could hang out with Gonta, or maybe Keeboy? I wonder if Shuichi will be free later. Before I know it, I've already arrived at the dining hall where Kirumi has made the best looking human breakfast I've ever laid my eyes upon. I look around the room and everyone is there. Kirumi, Ryoma, Gonta, Korekiyo, Maki, Tsumugi, that idiot Kaito, Angie, Tenko, Himiko, Kaede, Shuichi, Rantaro, Miu and Keebo. Was I the last to arrive? I knew I hated mornings, but was I really that slow?

I cheerfully walked in and spoke up in my ever so cheery voice to match my visible  attitude, "Gooooood morning!". Maki gave me a death stare that sent a shiver down my spine. I could feel the murderous intent from across the room as some of the others spoke up in response to my previous words. "Morning, Kokichi!", said the kind Kaede, who was already sat down. "Atua says good morning to you as well!", said Angie, happily trotting to her own seat. I went to sit down in my own seat as I glanced around at my peers once again. Something's off, why does Shuichi look so skeptical of me? He's eyeing me from across the room as if I were a wanted criminal and he knew that. Well, I AM a wanted criminal, but he shouldn't know about that.

I ate the breakfast Kirumi had prepared and free time began as I skipped away to prepare some pranks which I knew would ruin my already bad reputation, but I didn't care. I walked down the halls of the main building and left to get some string, nails and a hammer from the warehouse. The warehouse practically had anything and everything you could think of, especially weapons. It had a lot of tools that could be used as weapons. It took quite a few minutes before I finally found my string and nails, but now it was time to get to work. I made sure I had picked a clear, difficult to spot string, as for the nails and the hammer, well the nails and hammer don't matter as much.

I decided that the target if this prank would be Miu. I can't wait to see her reaction. I used four nails and two separate string for the prank. The first half of my supply was used for the dormitory's front door, while the second half was used between two trees. I knocked on Miu's door and once she came to open it, I ran out of the dormitory saying, "Catch me if you can!" and Miu, being the competitive person she is, wasted no time running after me. But the moment she left the dormitory, she tripped on the first string I had placed. "YOU LITTLE LYING BASTARD!" Miu called out as I was already running away again through the trees, laughing at the sight. Miu got up and bolted after me but fell once again on the second tripwire I had prepared between the trees. I laughed even harder that she fell for it twice in a row.

<Shuichi POV>

After breakfast, I went to go search for Kokichi to ask him some questions. A LOT of questions. However, as to be expected, the infamous Kokichi is absolutely nowhere to be found when I try to look for him specifically, and he's even better at hide-and-seek. It's like he's trying to not be found by me. I sigh, but then I suddenly hear a very angry pissed-off voice from outside the main building. "YOU LITTLE LYING BASTARD!" I heard Miu shout. That's gotta be where Kokichi is. I don't know why I thought he wouldn't just be bothering someone. Sure enough, when I go outside Kokichi is laughing his ass off at Miu who's lying on the ground, looking defeated. "Um, what exactly happened here?" I ask, aiming my question at both Miu and Kokichi.

Miu spoke up in response first, "That little abortion tripped me! Twice!", "Me? Tripped you? I haven't a single clue on whatever could you mean! You're merely just a bit clumsy today, Miu~", said Kokichi, who was very obviously kneeling down to claim a tripwire which I assume he set up in the first place. Miu got up, brushed her clothes off, and stormed off to who-knows-where. I could tell how angry she was just by her expression alone. You're playing with fire, Kokichi. Now finally alone with Kokichi, well, almost fully alone. I should bring him somewhere a little more private. I spoke up in order to get Kokichi to follow me, "So, uh, do you think you could follow me to my dorm room for a moment? I have something I want to talk about with you.", "Why of course, ShuShu~!" Kokichi responded cheerfully as he took down another tripwire in front of the dormitory.

I walked into my room and Kokichi skipped happily behind me and into my room once I held the door open for him and followed him inside, closing the door behind me. I sat on my bed and patted the spot beside me, inviting him to sit down next to me. Kokichi does so with zero hesitation, like we was waiting for the chance to sit by me or something. I finally speak up in order to get out what has been on my mind the entire day, "Kokichi. I saw you drinking from blood packs in the nurse's office last night." Kokichi looked as if his heart had dropped, which I wouldn't doubt since being caught drinking blood is a very weird thing to be found doing. For the first time, Kokichi actually seems nervous. It looks like he doesn't have any lie to cover that up, or a false explanation for what he was doing.

"So you, ah, saw that, did you?" He replied, a bit of fear in his eyes for whatever I was going to make him admit. I responded in a stern voice, letting him know my guard was up in case he tried anything, "Yeah, I did. Care to explain why you were drinking blood, Kokichi? And don't lie to me." Kokichi spoke up again, but this time in a very slightly saddened and guilty voice, "You wouldn't believe me anyways. You'll call it a lie and tell me to confess the truth, when there's nothing left to confess. You just don't understand, Shuichi." I noticed that he didn't call me by a nickname, which was odd for him. He must be in a much more serious mood now. Whatever he was hiding from me was something big.

I tried to be a bit reassuring in order to get him to tell me his secret cause of drinking blood, however he still seemed a bit persistent. "Hey, it's alright. I'll believe you. No matter what it is. You can trust me." Kokichi spoke up again, still stubborn on not revealing anything, "No, that's.. Just, you won't believe it. You can say that, but it's something that would sound impossible for anyone with even a little bit of sanity." I tried to just get him to tell me, no matter what it could be. "Please, Kokichi. Just tell me. Even if I don't believe you, I'll keep it a secret." He sighed and looked ready to share his secret, and alas, he finally came clean. "The truth is... I'm a vampire."

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