Chapter Nine

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Sebastian's grip on Ominis' hand tightened as they made their way through the dense, dark forest. The twisting trees and thick underbrush had a way of concealing even the slightest sounds, making their journey eerie and unsettling.

Sebastian's wand was the only light source guiding them, which cast long shadows across the trees and left pockets of darkness in its wake.

Sebastian's mind worked overtime as they pressed on, searching for clues to help them in their quest.

He couldn't shake the feeling that they were missing something crucial, and the nagging thought ate away at him.

Ominis could sense the tension in Sebastian's grip and knew he was frustrated.

However, he remained quiet, knowing that Sebastian needed to work through his thoughts in silence.

They walked quietly for a while, the only sounds being the crunching of leaves underfoot and the occasional twig snap.

Sebastian's mind raced as he tried to piece together the puzzle of their current situation.

Despite the darkness surrounding them and their quest's uncertainty, Sebastian and Ominis remained steadfast. They pushed deeper into the forest.

Ominis came to a sudden halt in his tracks, causing Sebastian to turn around and raise his eyebrows in confusion.

Ominis had picked up on a faint sound, barely audible to Sebastian's untrained ears.

He raised a finger to his lips, signaling Sebastian to remain quiet, as he focused his attention on the sound again, trying to identify the source.

The forest was silent, except for the rustling of leaves, but Ominis' keen senses could pick up on even the slightest sounds.

After a few moments, he subtly pointed toward the sound, indicating they should proceed cautiously.

As Sebastian and Ominis made their way through the dense forest, they stumbled upon a massive tree that towered over everything in the vicinity. Its size was so remarkable that Sebastian couldn't help but stare at it in awe.

As they approached the tree, Ominis pointed to a small hole in its base, which appeared big enough for someone to crawl into.

"There... Sebastian."

Sebastian turned to his friend as his honey eyes darted to ominis to follow where he was pointing.

"You don't think the girls would have been that curious to go in a tree, do you?"

Sebastian's curiosity piqued, and he wondered if the girls had been adventurous enough to explore inside the tree. Ominis, on the other hand, was hesitant and anxious about venturing into the unknown.

However, they both heard a faint, twinkling sound from within the tree, making Sebastian chuckle.

"You tell me I'm simply showing where I'm hearing that twinkling sound..."

Sebastian's brow raised, followed by a chuckle.

"Really... twinkling..."

"You didn't question it ten minutes ago. Why question it now?"

ominis was not amused by being teased, but Sebastian laughed slightly.

"Fair point... well, want to see what's on the other side?"

Ominis took a deep breath.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll be there to hold your hand."

"I've asked you not to call me that... and your hand was getting sweaty..."

"You love it when I do besides..."

Sebastian stepped closer to him, placing his forehead onto Ominis, his voice low yet soft.

"You didn't let go, regardless."

Ominis felt his face flush with embarrassment at Sebastian's gesture and kind words.

"l... let's get this over with. We need to find them..."

Ominis stuttered slightly, and Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle. Seeing Ominis' reaction, he found it cute.

Sebastian spoke with a smirk.


He said as he once again took hold of Ominis' free hand, led him to where he had said, and stepped through the glowing orb before them in the hollow of the willow tree.

Once they were inside, they found themselves transported to another world. The bright light enveloped them, and they looked around to see they were in a bustling, lively town.

As Sebastian looked around the new world, they found themselves in, Ominis grew curious and started following where his wand was pointing. Despite the apparent liveliness of the town, Sebastian felt a sense of shock and urged Ominis to be careful and stay close.

"OK, wherever we are, we should be careful and stay close..."

He turned to where he thought ominis was but didn't see him in sight.


However, as Sebastian turned to look for Ominis, he realized he had lost him. Panicking, Sebastian called out Ominis' name and scanned his surroundings for any sign of his friend.

"Oh great... first guilia now ominis..."

The thought of losing another friend after Giulia made Sebastian uneasy, and he was desperate to find Ominis as soon as possible.

As Sebastian frantically searched the village, his mind raced with thoughts of all the possible dangers Ominis could face. What if he had been captured by the unknown people that lurked in the shadows? What if he had stumbled into some perilous trap?

The sound of a twig snapping behind him caused Sebastian to spin around, his heart pounding. But all he saw was the empty, winding street of the village. He called out Ominis' name again, his voice filled with desperation.

Sebastian couldn't shake the feeling of being watched as he continued to search. It was as if the air around him was heavy with foreboding, and every shadow seemed to hold a sinister secret. The abandoned houses and deserted streets added to the eerie atmosphere, and it was clear that something was very wrong with this place.

Just then, a rustling noise came from a nearby alleyway. Sebastian's eyes quickly shifted in that direction, his senses on high alert. He took cautious steps toward the alley, reminding himself to stay calm and focused. But as he peered into the darkness, he saw nothing but an empty, silent passage.

Sebastian's nerves were on edge as he retraced his steps through the village, desperately seeking any clue to Ominis' whereabouts. It felt like an eternity had passed before he came upon a peculiar statue standing in the center of the village square. The stone figure was of a hooded, cloaked figure, its face obscured by deep shadows. As Sebastian approached it, a feeling of dread washed over him as if the statue exuded an evil energy.

"Ominis, where are you?" Sebastian called out, his voice echoing in the stillness of the village.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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