Chapter One

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Thursday, January 12th, 1905: Potions Class: Third Period.

Guilia was writing in her book she had gotten at the beginning of the year. She was halfway through it. She had a sense of calmness because she loved to write and draw. But to her, it helped her sort out her thoughts. And notes for classes. She even put in some potions ideas to try and other things, so it's why she goes through them like there's no tomorrow.

As she was in the middle of her page correcting mistakes from her last experiment and wanting to try this one potion again, she wasn't paying attention to her caldron as it was boiling over.

"Miss. Kingsley... are you listening... pay attention!"

Giulia had been lost in a daydream, her mind wandering to thoughts of her upcoming exams and the challenges that lay ahead. Suddenly, she felt a sharp jolt run through her body, causing her to flinch in surprise. As she looked up, her eyes met with those of her professor, who was glaring at her with a mixture of frustration and disappointment.

Giulia knew that she had made a mistake, one that could have serious consequences. Despite being one of the most talented potions students in her class, she had been careless and inattentive, causing her cauldron to boil over and spill its contents onto the countertop and floor. The potion was a dangerous one, and some of it had even burned through her clothing and skin, causing her to cry out in pain and clutch at the affected area.

As the professor grew more impatient, Giulia could feel her shame and embarrassment growing. She knew that she had let herself down, and that her mistake could have serious implications for her future as a potions master. But even as she felt overwhelmed by her emotions, she knew that she had to stay calm and focused, and work to make things right as best she could.

She then remembered what she had read in the book days prior.

Just below boiling.

She glanced apologetically at her professor and muttered,

"Well, at least you know the antidote for boils to go down is brewed correctly."

Suddenly, the floor beneath her began to give way. Guilia's heart raced with fear as she realized that she could slip and fall through the hole. However, before she could even react, Sebastian, one of her classmates and a dear friend, rushed over to her. He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away from the dangerous spot, ensuring that she was safe from harm's way.

The other students in the room were equally surprised, and a few of them rushed over to check on her. she had injured herself in the commotion, but Guilia was grateful to have avoided a much more severe injury or worse. The moment was undoubtedly scary, but she felt a sense of comfort that her friend had acted quickly and saved her from danger. Some of the other students went over to check the damage, peering down the hole that had opened up in the floor.

"Are you alright, Guilia?" Sebastian asked, concern on his face as he held her tightly. She nodded, feeling how tense Sebastian's body was and his heart beating slightly fast from the event that had occurred.

Completely unaware of her proximity to Sebastian, Guilia was taken aback when her classmates began chatting about their closeness. It wasn't until then that she realized her mistake and hastily pulled away, feeling embarrassed. On the other hand, Sebastian appeared unfazed and even made light of the situation, causing Giulia to blush even more. Professor Sharp quickly intervened with his magic, repairing any damage and allowing the class to continue normally. Despite this, Giulia remained shaken by the incident and looked forward to leaving.

Guilia had gotten up using the workbench for support. "I can stand... I can walk.." she commented toward Sebastian as he chuckled at Giulia's comment, amused by her stubbornness. Despite her insistence that she could walk, he knew that she was in pain and needed assistance. Being the gentleman that he was, Sebastian had decided to take her to the hospital wing himself.

Without any hesitation, he scooped her up and held her close, causing Guilia to feel a wave of shyness wash over her.

As they walked out of the classroom and made their way towards the hospital wing, Guilia couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the weight of her frustrations. It seemed like everything in her life was falling apart, and her relationships were no exception. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was losing control of her life, and the pain in her ankle only added to her distress. Nevertheless, she tried to hide her emotions, not wanting to burden Sebastian with her problems.

When they finally arrived, Guilia sat on the bed as Nurse Blaney tended to her.

"Thank you, Seb," Guilia spoke softly. "I do apologize for my outburst and causing a scene in class, however."

He chuckled. "don't worry about it. We don't get that much fun in class anyway besides Garreth's potion mishaps, but I do think your injury will heal in no time." 

"Yeah, but what fun without pain" she commented with a smirk.

Both laughed as the nurse gave some things. To Guilia to drink before wrapping her ankle up.

The nurse provided Guilia with valuable information on how to heal her injured foot. The nurse recommended using healing potions, which may take a day or so to work. However, it is crucial not to put too much weight on the injured foot to allow the healing process to take place. Guilia accepted the medicine with gratitude and headed off to rest, hoping for a speedy recovery.

"Would you like to return to the common room? It seems like a good idea to relax and unwind after the incident you were engaged in."

Sebastian questioned as he looked at Guilia.

She nodded, and once again, Sebastian scooped her up again bridal style and just casually carried her as if it was natural. This time Guilia didn't complain. She just let it happen and buried her face into his neck, breathing in his smell. Surprisingly his smell was the scent of sandalwood and fresh tea.

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