Chapter 14 : Master Tempad

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" I have to see if Loki is alright....", Sylvie said softly starring at the dying branches.

"If you go back in the dream realm that Kang variant could come back and completely drain the life out of you",B-15 explained.

" Loki sacrificed everything for us....I have to do something and save him before it's too late...who know if that variant got to his mind too... he just can't defeat all those variants alone. I need to get through to him somehow".

"There will be nothing left to fight if you're not alive to help him. It's too risky you could die....what about that master tempad have you tried using it to reach him?", B-15 asked.

" Many times but it didn't work...."

"Try again one more's worth a shot."

"I don't even know where to exactly go".

"Focus closely on who you want to get to not the where and see if that works".

"I don't know if this will work it sounds kinda lame".

"Sylvie", B-15 laughed.

"Alright Alright......The Who", Sylvie said closing her eye's. She focused on her one good memory.....Lamentis 1...the world ending around them...the same variants...but different completely souls....staring into one another's eye's.....holding hands...he's gentle smile...a light purple lighting glowing on his face....and the fuzzy feelings that swirled around in her stomach. His beautiful voiced that she wouldn't mind listening to all day even if Loki blew their cover on the train. The world was ending but it felt like time it self had stopped that day. He was annoying and talked too much but he made her laugh. After running for so long, he made her want to change her plans. Even after everything he did that made her mad. Her good memory wasn't just Lamentis but himself. Anytime they were together she treasured it. He was her glorious purpose. Sylvie used the tempad and was teleported to Loki at the end of time.

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