Chapter 1 : Without you

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As the sunset over the horizon of Midgard (Earth), Sylvie thought of the last thing Loki said before going out towards the loom and sacrificing himself. Thoughts of his watery eye's, his soft low voice, and the fear yet peaceful look on his face. She wanted to go out there even if she didn't know what he was going to do at that moment. "For you, for all of us", she said out loud to herself. These words continued to stay in her mind,heart, and soul. However, if she thought about him too long she felt like she'll drown in her own tears and sorrow. As quoted by Joshua Wisenbaker, " Tear's are only words the mouth can't say nor can the heart bear." Losing half of her heart already was hard for her but admitting to herself about her feelings would break every piece of her heart like shattered glass. If only she had more time with him, if only they resolved their conflict sooner, and if only Loki was still here. "I just want you to be ok", Sylvie whispered remembering Loki's words again. When Sylvie was taken away from her timeline, she always felt like a cosmic mistake for just living. Then there was Loki, he made her feel like the whole world even if he got on her nerves, ruined her plan from the beginning and stopped being on the same page as her . Sylvie lied to Loki when she said she was happy on her timeline and that Loki ruined her life when he showed back up. No timeline could make her happy without him. She never had a home from running away from the TVA and just for a moment she felt at home with Loki. Lost in thought, the sunset Sylvie was looking at became a dark blue with stars that covered the night sky like a blanket. Sort of like the same blanket Loki and Sylvie shared. Finally, she decided to drive back to her apartment. She turned on the radio in her green pick-up truck . The radio played This Life by Martha Wainwright. Sylvie briefly looked at the stars with a small smile, wondering  if Loki can see or hear her from wherever he's at. The sky was as dark as the emotions that swirled inside of her. Deep inside she was still angry at the TVA even though they turned to do good for others. The TVA stole away her childhood, her free will, and now Loki. She felt horrible for still feeling angry, but at the same time happy she got a chance to finally live on the timeline. However, What is living when you don't have the one you want by your side to live it with you ?

 However, What is living when you don't have the one you want by your side to live it with you ?

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