Chapter 11 : Nexus Event

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"Hello Variant", Renslayer said talking down to Sylvie.

"Renslayer....thought we got rid of you but you just keep coming back like a boomerang don't you ?", Sylvie remarked sarcastically.

Ignoring her statement Renslayer said, " We have a lot of work to either stay here and die or follow me".

"Let me get this straight you want me to trust you and die or not trust you and die yup seems like a death wish there no thanks", Sylvie remarked harshly.

Renslayer rolled her eye's and said, "You have no choice but to trust me....time is running out Sylvie and you're the only one that can fix it".

"What are you even going on about ? "

" In order to save the timelines and.....Loki..... you're going to need to work with me.....", Renslayer said pushing Sylvie into a past memory. Sylvie was a little girl again back home with her toys. Her foster mother called her from a distance about dinner being ready.

"Mother", she whispered run towards her voice.

"There she is", her mother said giving her a hug.

" What adventures have you been up to my dear ?"

" The dragon came down upon the city and ate the whole town then I came to save them at the last minute", Sylvie explained scrunching her nose in excitement.

"Wow that's quite an adventure". Suddenly loud fighting could be heard from in front of the palace. Sylvie and her foster mother hid in one of the rooms locking the door behind them.

" Where is he ?", a man's voice could be heard from the hallway.

"Are they looking for father ?", Sylvie whispered frightened before her mother hushed her. The door was being bang on so loudly it sounded like gunshots.

The door bursted opened and the dark elf's yelled as they held a weapon toward's Sylvie's mother's back, "Where's is he ? Get up".


"Sylvie it's alright. Don't hurt her she's just a child".

"We will do as we please", the dark elf's argued grabbing Sylvie's arm hurting her. Out of fear and pain, Sylvie screamed out a powerful green blast causing everyone to fall to the ground. When Sylvie reopened her eye's, one of the swords that one of the dark elf's held against her mother's back had sadly wounded her. Sylvie's eye's widen realizing her mother was stabbed. Everything played out in slow-mo. Sylvie rushed to her mother's side trying to wake her up even though she laid there lifeless. Overwhelmed with emotions, Sylvie let out another blast expanding so big it blasted throughout her childhood home.

"So it begins.....I told you need my help this was just the start your destructive powers.... variants like you need to be gone to establish order to the chaos across the multiverse......let's get to the good part shall we", Renslayer said watching Sylvie cry over her mother.

let's get to the good part shall we", Renslayer said watching Sylvie cry over her mother

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