Tyler blinked as well, seemingly surprised at his own words.

"I-I mean-shit, what's happening to me?"

He took a step back, his eyes flickering from gold to brown then gold again.

"Bon, I..." his face actually tinted to a rose shade.

Was Tyler Lockwood blushing?! On her account?

"It's just-you smell so damn good."

No, it wasn't a blush that was coloring his cheeks. It was his inner battle. Her friend versus his wolf. Unlike Klaus, he was resisting his impulses. That fact made her feel a little better.

He's a lot safer that Klaus.

"It's okay," she tried to soothe him.

"I know it's the heat talking. Let's just try to get this over with soon so you won't have to smell me much longer."

He looked away in response.

"The key is to get Klaus in there," Bonnie explained, pointing into the tomb.

"The best way to do that is with my scent. Just like how I got him in here. My blood did something to him. I'm thinking I bleed a little, spread it in a circle and when he's driven to follow it I seal him inside."

She didn't miss the growl of disapproval.

"I won't let you bleed for him."

This would be so much easier if Stefan had done what he was supposed to and kept Tyler away.

"I'll be fine," she assured her once again golden-eyed friend.

"It'll just be my arm, no major arteries. But if it makes you feel any better I can let Stefan heal me when he shows up."

That drew an even worse reaction. Tyler's eyes flared, his deep and possessive growl startling her enough to jump back. Her retreat only caused him to advance closer.

"I won't allow any undead thing to touch my mate," he swore.

In that moment he seemed every bit as dangerous, as menacing as their hybrid enemy. That should scare her. At the very least give her plan pause but instead it pissed her off.

"You talk like it's your choice instead of mine."

Who did he think he was, telling her what he would allow her to do? Claiming her without an ounce of consent on her part? Sure it wasn't Tyler, she knew it was his heat but heat or no heat Bonnie Bennett would not be ordered around by any man. Friend or foe.

"Look, I get your heat has got you going all Tarzan but don't ever presume to control me or my actions. I don't want to hurt you, Tyler but that doesn't mean I won't use my magic to put you to sleep if I need to. Again."

She let him remember the school library. Saw it the second he did. He did not like that one bit.

"Damnit, Bonnie it's my job to protect you! As your mate-"

"There's that 'M' word again. You know I have a choice in that too-"

"-I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you safe, whether from vampires or hybrids or any goddamn Original-"

"-I'm not letting you die, especially not for me-"

"-because that's what an alpha does for his woman!"

His woman?!

This heat couldn't be over soon enough.

"Don't make me use my magic on you," she repeated.

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