chapter 1

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Lonely,lost,insecure that's all I have ever felt while living. The words keep repeating in my head,lonely,lost,insecure.
Lonely,lost,insecure. Lonely lost insecure. Over and over they repeat. Lonely,lost, insecure.

I wake up and get ready to make breakfast for my parents. And then get ready for school.

Today I make my parents waffles bacon and eggs with syrup on the side.

Then i get ready in a over sized hoodie and jeans and some black and white converse.

Then i get ready in a over sized hoodie and jeans and some black and white converse

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I go down stairs before they catch me leaving.  Last time I was caught leaving I was hit with a belt multiple times. And then punched and kicked and burned multiple times until I couldn't walk so I can't afford getting caught right now.

I never had friends never had a boyfriend I never had nothing. I was always the weird and quiet kid in school.

I walk to school and I'm an hour late like usual. "Kinsley can you explain why you're late again?" Mr.durden says. "Uh I had overslept again sorry." I say quietly "go sit down and don't oversleep again" he says and I go sit down. 30 minutes pass and the principle comes in.

"Kinsley can I see you for a minute?" She says and the class goes ooooo you're in trouble. I just get up not paying them any attention and walk to her.

We go out in the hall and she takes me to her office. "kinsley i'm sorry but you're parents has died in a terrible car crash." Oh. So now I'm an orphan. I say in my head. "I'm so sorry kinsley"

people come in and she says,"this is the child protective services they will be seeing if you have anymore family around." I look over and they look so sorry for me. I hate when people feel sorry for me.

"hi kinsley I'm lauren and I will be helping you today now I have already looked into your file and seen that you were kidnapped." she says and I say,"what?"

"yes you were kidnapped and you have six older brothers that have been looking for you for years."
"So they weren't my real parents?" I say. "no they were not." she says like she's said it a million times to people.

"okay so we're gonna take you to the station and give you're brothers a call and see if they'll come pick you up."

She dials a number and says,"helli this is child protective services and I just wanted to let you know we have kinsley here and she wants to know if you can come pick her up." "okay" and then she says,"kinsley they would like to speak to you." I grab the phone from her and say,"hello?" "hi kins this is your older brother Lorenzo we're gonna come get you soon okay?"he says and i say, "okay"

•late at night•
I wake up from a nightmare and I start crying I've always had nightmares but this one was different it was about my "father" was trying to kill me.

I couldn't go back to sleep and so I stayed up the rest of the night.

Morning came and lauren comes and gets me. I see two men in black suits standing there. I guess they are my brothers but she said I had six so where's the other 4?

"hey kinsley I'm your oldest brother Lorenzo." Lorenzo says and then the other one speaks and says,"and I'm you're second oldest brother Dante. The rest are waiting at the airport lets go" he says raising his hand to grab mine and I flinch like a little kid and I guess he notices because he gives me a questioning look.

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