The beginning

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If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading




Maryam, a middle-aged woman in her 50s, sleeps peacefully in her bed. The sound of heavy rain pouring outside creates a soothing ambiance. Suddenly, a loud and urgent KNOCKING shakes Maryam out of her sleep. She jolts awake, confused and alarmed by the noise. She cautiously walked towards the main door.

" Who could be knocking at this hour?" She whispered to herself.

Maryam reaches the door and hesitates before unlocking it. She opens it, revealing Haider, a dangerous and bruised Mafia on his knees, rain pouring down on him. His desperate eyes fixed on Maryam. He holds out a gun, his gaze filled with remorse.

"  Ma'am I've come to seek your forgiveness. I... I killed your son. Please, end my misery " Haider pleaded .

Maryam's eyes widened in shock. The weight of her son's loss crashes over her, mixed with the unexpected appearance of his killer, begging for forgiveness. A whirlwind of emotions engulfs her.

She whispered with a trembling voice " You... you took everything from me. Why should I give you the mercy you denied my son?"

Maryam hesitated, her gaze moving between the gun and Haider.

Haider is entangled in sorrow " I can't live with the guilt anymore. Do what you think is right. Give me the chance to atone for my sins "

Maryam's hands shook as she took the gun from Haider. She raises it, her face a symphony of pain and anger. The sound of the heavy rain intensifies, matching the turmoil in her heart.

She squeezed her eyes shut …

Bang !

Inaya p.o.v

" But you promised me !" I almost screamed . My mother turned to her feet with glaring eyes .

Oops pressed the wrong button.

" Don't you dare to raise your voice on me young lady '' she warned, pointing her fingers .

" Mom" smiling at her immediately, I went and wrapped her finger under my fist gently .

" Mom, all I am saying is , you promised me that after my high school graduation you would grant me one wish, and now you are backing out. "

" I just want to go at Grandma house it's being years and you are denying "

" Not fair " I stomped my feet .

" Inaya didn't. I warn you don't question my decision !"

" Is she really your own mother " I asked curiously, ignoring my mother's threat.

" Ya Rabb what am I going to do with this girl? " My mother looked like she was going to pull out every hair from her scalp, but thank god she wears a hijab .

" Let her go mom , you will have peace for once " my step sister Nadia came from behind mocking my existence .

Ladies and gentlemen meet my not so good, very evil step sister , yes like you watch those K- dramas where the main lead has a step sister who is evil pure evil . She is just a replica of them . She bullied me in school , in my house and flexed about how her dad loves her so much while I am a thorn in his eyes . Only if my mother didn't marry that guy , I wouldn't have to bear his daughter without a refund .

" You have the rest of your life to be a jerk, why not take today off? " I gave a sickly sweet smile and hers dropped .

" Watch your tongue , I am older than you " she stepped forward .

" Still lacking " I pretended to blow my nail with boredom while she was ready to launch at me .

" Mom! Look how's your daughter talking down at me " she screamed though we were just inches away .

I swear she is going to make me deaf .

" Because you are down sweetheart " I drag my words intentionally with poison honey coated on every word .

" Enough Inaya , apologize to your sister " he growled at me .

" She was the one who started it " I argue .

" I was talking to mom , no matter how much I try to be a nice sister to you , you  all bully "

Oh here comes the waterfall …..

" INAYA APOLOGIZE NOW !". My mother shouted, making me flinch .

I glare at Nadia " sorry "

I look away feeling humiliated " I didn't hear you but it's okay " she pretended to wipe her tears .

Giving her one last glare I stormed away , , I was on my way to the living room when suddenly I bumped into someone .

" Be careful princess " my eyes widened in voice , his hand wrapped around my waist .

I immediately removed his hand from my waist glaring at him. Babar Nadim , my stepfather, business partner and friend. He is 50 years old yet I have no respect for this man .

A disgusting , creepy old man who has a bad eye on me since I don't know how long . I tried to tell my mother but as always , she told me to be quiet. It's my overthinking . But I cannot be so wrong .

" Watch your hand sir " I gritted out angrily .

" But I was just trying to save you " he step closer and I stepped back .

" Let me die but never save me " I snap .

" Wow , you have grown to be such a fine woman '' his eyes scan my body from head to toe .

" Do you know there is a word called shame, please have some? " I tried to insult him but he smiled creepily .

Fear crawling my heart I ran to my room , locking it tightly .

" I need to get out of this house , for my safety " I told myself .

Immediately opening my closet I took out my clothes and packed my bags ready to run away from this evil house .

At midnight tiptoe I somehow reach the main gate and about to open it

" Where the hell do you think you are going? " I squeeze my eyes shut at the voice.

Oh no….


First chapter of Mafia Redemption is out .

Hope you all like it .....

I want to update this book everyday but it's going to depend on you guys .

The moment this chapter reach 25 comments I will upload the next chapter .

Positive criticism , questions regarding the book , character are welcome too .

This is a rom com book , it's not going to be like Mafia Love .

So let's make 25 comment reach this chapter and I will upload the next one .

Sorry for being greedy but I love all my readers ❤️❤️❤️

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