Coming out of the washroom I took the comb and started detangling my hairs. My hairs are not that long, they are just a little below my shoulders. I had really long hair few months back but then I decided to go for short hair.

Who would make two pleats early in the morning?

And I think I look cute in my new haircut. Anyways that's not the main point now.
It's my first day in my new school!!! and ofcourse of my class 11th too.

I passed my boards examination with flying colours and now I am in eleventh standard. I took Humanities, and my relatives were traumatized because I've always been the topper & scores the highest in family they thought I'll definitely take science & become a doctor or engineer.. Hehehe!!!

And by god's grace I got admission in the school I always wanted to go. Atharva and My best friend Natasha... Natasha Malhotra is in that school only. Natasha & I are best friends from diaper days, the Malhotras & Singhanias shares family relations our grandparents were best friends since school and then started their own companies together. They even build homes together, right in front of eachother. And the our parents & us continued this friendship and intends to keep it safe forever.

Natasha knows everything about me and why won't she, she is my best friend and we've grown up together.

Thinking about Natasha, I remember her brother. Natasha has a twin brother who is few minutes elder then her Ridhaan Malhotra, the hearthrobe, starboy famous personality. A boy who is the living example of perfection, whether it's sports, studies or any other activity he always comes first and just don't get me started on his looks.

He has total Sex God--I mean Greek God personality. Tall, mascular, flawless skin, unique blue eyes & perfect jawline covered with light stubble. He has the features to die for I would happily do that. Ridhaan is everyone's crush, girls are all set to throw themselves on him but i've never even saw him talking to them.

I, Natasha, Ridhaan & Atharva were a group back then, always playing together, pulling pranks on others but when we were really nine Ridhaan moved to his maternal grandmother's home for four years as she used to be sick back then. But when he came back, he distanced himself from. He still talks with Atharva but to me?

And here I am, ready to do anything for him. He is my first love, even before I knew this word he stole my heart and never returned it back to me.
I don't know what made me fall for him
Maybe it's the way he use to protect me from bullies or the way he braided my hair while my hands were covered with paint or maybe when he calls me snowflake.

Those four years without him were terrible, he was the leader of our gang and he always protected us from scoldings or punishment and when he left us, we lost our charm.

His ignorance surely hurts me but my heart is not ready to accept the fact that he hates me now. I don't know but I know he surely does otherwise why won't he talk to me?

He is the only person I love & hate at the same time.

Natasha knows about my feelings for her brother, heck ! She was the one who made me realise that. She was even ready to jump on her brother with knife & ask the reason behind his ignorance towards me but I stopped her. I don't want to start a fight between two siblings.
At one point she even told me to move on from him but I...I just couldn't.

It's like my eyes can see him only, he is the only man that exists in this whole universe. My heart refuse to beat for anyone who is not him, my eyes automatically starts finding him everywhere I go. And my heart beats so fast when I saw him, i myself was shocked and wanted to see a doctor. What if I had a heart disease?

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