Finale: The King of Time

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Chrono moved forward, the floor rippling under his soft step. This simple action was enough to trigger something within Zetsubou, who had summoned a rune to launch a javelin made of flames at him. The Rider moved his head to the left a bit. The javelin whizzing past his helmet, causing Zetsubou to scowl. 

Zetsubou drew the Alter System from his side, loading in the Rabbit, Ox, and Dog coins, then firing it directly at Chrono. The coins flew through the air, the Zodiacs jumping out, but it wasn't like the Alter Zodiacs he faced in the past. These were the actual Zodiacs, not copies.

The Rabbit leaped into the air and was set to crush Chrono under its weight, only to have Chrono step off to the side and touching a stray cloud with his finger. The cloud gathered around his arm, becoming solid and taking the shape of a halberd. It was a mixture of his two weapons, the pole of the staff with the same rings, with the blade of his twinblade at the tip in place of the giant ring. The halberd sliced through the Rabbit like a knife through butter, reverting it back into its coin form that Chrono took for himself.

The Ox charged at Chrono, thrusting its shoulder forward in an attempt to overpower the Rider. Chrono took a step back and extended his left hand, stopping the Ox in its tracks and pushing it backward, stabbing through it with his halberd to defeat it.

With his back still turned to the Dog Zodiac, Chrono ducked in time to avoid the Zodiac reaching for his neck. He pushed his shoulder back into the stomach of the Dog Zodiac and tossed it over and onto the floor, leaving it vulnerable for Chrono to stab.

As Chrono collected the three coins of the Zodiacs, Zetsubou felt his power fizzle out. A low groan escaped his lips as he realized that he couldn't rely on the Zodiacs in this fight, only as a last resort against Chrono. That's why he chose to fight Chrono head-on.

The wings on Zetsubou flapped, waving away the clouds and lifting him into the air. He flew around 150 meters into the air, intending to divebomb Chrono when a flash of gold and red entered his peripheral. He had just barely turned away from Chrono, and Chrono had already jumped all the way up to him without making a single sound, kicking him back down to Earth.

Zetsubou bounced off the white floor of the space, tumbling backward and unable to correct himself, while Kibou fell in style, his cape acting like a glider. When Zetsubou could recover, he grew desperate, holding out his arm and summoning a rune of flames to blast Chrono with. 

As the fire began to sputter out of the magical circle, a chain rose from the floor, wrapping around his arm and yanking it down so that the flames blasted all around him instead. The monster's thoughts were a panicked mess, wondering just how strong this King Chrono could be, wondering how this was all possible.

The flames eventually died out as the rune disappeared, with Zetsubou practically throwing himself at Kibou instead. He extended his claw to Chrono's neck, intending to tear it open. Chrono, in response, took a step forward and delivered a swift jab. 

Even though the claws on Zetsubou reached much further than Chrono, and it should've stabbed through him first, he felt the blow of the punch before it even connected. The claw moved with Zetsubou's body, out of Chrono's way as the actual punch connected with him. 

Zetsubou collapsed to the floor, grabbing his chest as he tried to figure out how Chrono could do something like that. There was something more to this King Chrono, something that Chrono and Chrono Boost didn't have, but no matter how much he thought he couldn't imagine what the actual answer was. Chrono had selected a moment from the future and pulled it into the present, in this instance it was the punch.

The monster struggled to pull himself together. It was a simple punch, and yet he found himself terrified of the person in front of him. It made him wonder if Chrono could even be considered Human at this point.

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