Chapter 5: Lucky Rabbit Jumps the Moon

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Last time on Kamen Rider Chrono: Kibou Kitai had successfully managed to fend off the minions of the Pig Zodiac, but due to the nature of its power he failed to defeat it, having to be saved by the mysterious Rider that called himself Kamen Rider Gears. After the Pig retreated, Gears told him to drop the mantle of Chrono, much to Kibou's dismay.

Yuya: "You again? I thought I told you to quit being a Rider. Lives are at stake, and I don't have time to babysit."

Yuya removed his helmet and swished his hair to and fro. Kibou parked his bike next to his and told Yuya that he was here to fix his mistake from last time, and that he would show Yuya he was wrong about him being Chrono.

Yuya: "Just don't get in my way." He held up the Gears Driver and slammed it against his waist.

Kibou: "We don't plan to. Let's go, Aibo." A golden orb flew out from his chest and landed on his waist.

Yuya shot his hands out to his sides and bent the right arm up and left arm down. The two arms then crossed each other to form an X. "Henshin!" He shouted just before he pointed straight up with his left and clicked a button on the right side of his belt.

Kibou raised his right fist into the air, then extended his hand in front of him, now turning the fist into an open palm. "Henshin!" He shouted before splitting open the middle of the belt, both his hands extended to his sides.

A large metallic gear shot into the sky, then landed with a loud clang. The gear started to spin, slowly rising into the air as claws clamped onto his body, putting on the various parts of the suit until eventually it stopped at his head, shrank, then became Yuya's helmet.

A bell chimed in the background as a vortex of sand started to get pulled into Kibou's belt. A large roman numeral clock appeared on his waist and started to spin, pushing the sand up and down, obscuring his body. The sand eventually exploded in all directions to reveal the suit.

The upper portion of Gears consisted of a black and gold undersuit with bulkier pauldrons, chestplate, and arm guards like it had been designed for a soldier. The boots and shin guards protected more than Chrono's, favoring protection over speed. The helmet resembled a knight's with the visor pulled up and the actual visor looking like an X with two fin-shaped portions sticking out the side.

The upper portion of Chrono consisted of a grey and gold chest piece above a black suit, with the pieces of armor on his shoulders ending just before the elbows. He had on shin guards that ended just above his ankles, allowing his boots to protect the best. His helmet was mostly gold with the grey coloring located on the sides, and black hands pointing up at the 2-10 position, giving him the appearance of being angry. His visor was blue and the final detail was the crimson scarf flowing in the wind.

Gears reached over his shoulder, pulling out the sword located on his back. The handle of the sword looked like an exhaust pipe, and in the middle of the blade was a red bar. On the back of the gold guard was a lever, which he pulled back and the red bar turned orange.

He pointed the sword towards the first crowd of Pig Minions. They looked at each other before waving their clubs into the air and charging Gears. A scoff could be heard from behind his mask and he quickly swiped at two of them, a wave of orange slashing alongside the sword and a high-pitched swish accompanying it.

Gears slashed up while moving to the side, then slashed down and horizontally. One tried to tackle him from behind, causing the Rider to spin around and deliver a high kick to get him off. Rolling forward, he narrowly missed strikes from their clubs, then dashed further into the crowd, slicing them all apart like it was nothing. This one sided massacre came to an end when he flipped into the air and slashed down before going low and creating a huge blow ring of death.

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