Chapter 8: Paradox Authorized

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Last time on Kamen rider Chrono: Gears continued his fight with the Ox Zodiac, coming out on top due to the Rabbit and Pig coins and claiming what would be his signature coin. Not all things go smoothly though, getting pounced on by the Dog Zodiac. Facing a bad situation, the soldier was saved by a mysterious third Rider not associated with HOME, but hesitation on her end allows the Dog to escape into the woods.

The stage set was a large, cylindrical room with velvet carpeting and books filling all the space on the walls of both floors. The only lighting came from candles floating about and a nearby fireplace which kept the room toasty in this cold season.

Sitting on an armchair facing the fire was a young male, mid twenties, with a book in his right hand and his left arm propped up and supporting his head. He wore a black peacoat, white button up, and a striped tie. He crossed his legs as he was getting invested in the story, causing the females at his feet to shift about.

A sigh escaped his lips and he spun in his seat, setting his book down and picking up his wine glass. He swished the bit of liquid about before extending the glass, asking one of the ladies to refill his glass which they did gratefully. He thanked them and took a long sip as the door flung open.

???: "YO! Dragnis, we need to talk, ya hear?" The one to smash open his door was someone around the same age with a punk jacket, deep V-neck shirt that was stained with dirt, and a set of wild hair that spiked off every way imaginable. Chains rattling as he walked forward.

???: "Did we catch you at a bad time?" A female with a mane of glorious golden hair followed. She wore a white fur coat with a full bodysuit and boots with four inches of heels. She adjusted the belt around her waist before shoving the book off and sitting on the table, stealing the glass of wine from his hands.

Dragnis: "I assume this is rather important, Aquos, Tignus?" He motioned for the girls to leave him, standing from his seat and placing the book back in its rightful spot.

Tignus: "You think I'd visit this dump if it ain't?" The punk took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one using the fireplace.

Dragnis: "I rather like the peace, and prefer you not to smoke that vile creation in my place."

Tignus scoffed and got up in Dragnis' face, removing the cig and blowing a cloud in his face.

Aquos: "Behave yourself, we have more pressing matters to attend to." Aquos downed the wine in one go and tossed the glass, moving over to his cabinet and started chugging straight from the bottle.

Dragnis rolled his eyes and took the cig from his colleague and flicked it into the air. A red circle appeared and as the smoke passed through, it was burned to nothing. Tignus shoved the chest of the guy and lit another cigarette.

Dragnis: "I assume you're talking about the Kamen Rider?"

Tignus: "Give this man an award for having eyes... Of course we talkin' about the Riders."

Dragnis: "Well, don't keep a gentleman in intrigue. What's the concern."

Aquos: "We believe it's time we step into this conflict."

Tignus: "What the horse chick means is that these bastards killed three of us already, now we kick their ass."

Dragnis: "Vulgar language, as always. Now, I couldn't help but hear that you used plurals?"

Aquos: "There's three of them."

Dragnis: "Oh? I thought Chrono was the only Rider, and last I heard he was deceased... May he find peace."

Tignus: "Screw that, I hope he rots. Dude was a pain, still haven't forgotten his damned kick."

Dragnis: "To each their own, but I found him to be a noble and kind soul. Hard to find among humans these days."

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