Chapter 21: Kibou's Resignation

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It was a good bit into the night at this point. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, yet not even the stars could be seen due to all the light pollution.

Kibou stared up into this blank sky as the golden dragon perched on his shoulder. Aibo took one glance over at Kibou, into Kibou's eyes and it felt like he was so certain of his decision.

Aibo: "Are you sure, Kibou?" The dragon asked, tilting his head.

Kibou: "No... but I don't think I could keep doing this. This entire time, I kept telling myself that I could. That I could be the hero that both Gears and Paradox think I am, but I'm just not."

Aibo: "..." Aibo wasn't sure how to respond to that, so he stayed silent. He watched as Kibou took a slice of pizza and held it out to Aibo.

Kibou: "Let's both be honest, Aibo. I'm not the Kibou Kitai that Yuya or Future Trish think I am... I wasn't even meant to become Chrono, originally... maybe that's why the Zodiacs won in the future."

Aibo: "So this is really the end of this, huh? After everything we've gone through... you're just ending it?"

Kibou: "Yeah... I wasn't meant to be a Kamen Rider... a hero... What I am is Kibou Kitai, just a normal High Schooler." Kibou tried to smile, but deep down he couldn't help but feel hurt by his own choice.

Aibo: "If you say so... You did HOME a huge favor, though. The Rabbit, Pig, and Rat... No, none of that matters. Not anymore, anyway. Instead, I want to just say this. Take care."

Kibou watched as Aibo finished up the last of the pizza. With the dragon finishing his meal, Kibou pushed himself off the motorcycle and started walking inside the HOME building. Upon entering the lobby, the receptionist greeted him like normal and asked if he was on his way down to see Connor and Mercy. A soft smile crept on Kibou's face as he nodded at the receptionist.

Receptionist: "Of course. You know where the two of them..." He paused for a brief moment before letting out a small 'oh'.

Receptionist: "Actually, Connor is away at the moment, and Mercy is actually out in the garden."

Kibou: "Oh... Is she? That's actually kinda weird. I really shouldn't be surprised, actually."

Receptionist: "Heh, don't worry. It IS a bit weird to see her out of the lab, but I imagine the basement gets kinda stuffy."

Kibou nodded and looked off to the side, through the double glass door that leads into the garden. It wasn't uncommon for some of the workers to get out there during their breaks. It was fresh air, and an alluring aroma that Kibou finds calming. 

The tight feeling in his chest didn't vanish as he approached the door, but when he stepped into the garden it felt like there was a switch that was flipped. The weight had been lifted, and it finally felt like he could be breath. 

Mercy sat on a bench in the middle of the garden, a flower in hand. She heard the doors slid open, and turned to face the teenager. A sigh escaping her lips as she closed her eyes.

Mercy: "Hey, Kibou. I was expecting that you would show up after what had happened."

Kibou: "You know about that, huh?"

Mercy: "Of course. Down in the labs we monitor each of your guys' vitals. Plus, we monitor your compatibility with the AI Driver, remember?"

Kibou: "I remember... I also remember what you had told me when I agreed to be Kamen Rider Chrono."

Mercy chuckled, knowing exactly what he was talking about. When Kibou had officially became Chrono and joined HOME, he had signed a contract saying that should it ever prove he cannot handle the AI System he would resign. She threw the floor down onto the floor and stood up.

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