On set for avengers infinity war

Start from the beginning

"You okay princess" he asked softly

I nodded as he looked at seb. Seb told him I was getting dizzy and dad picked me up slowly.

"Come on you have to eat something" he said

I sighed and he took me to his trailer and placed me on the bed and he gave me a apple sauce packet. I slowly ate it and I gave it back to dad after I ate the hole thing.

"You feel better now?" He asked

I nodded and sorted my hair out.

"You look funny in that suit" I said giggling

"Wow thank you Morgan" he said laughing

I smiled and dad left since he had to go talk to Scarlett about something. I changed out my suit and into a hoodie and joggers. I remember tomorrow I was going to meet Ollie. Ollie was the boy I had to film the romance film with and I heard Scarlett johansson  was going to play my aunt and Sebastian was going to play my dad in the movie. I don't know who was going to play my mom and Ollie's mom but yeah I had to go meet Ollie tomorrow and practice our scripts. I had the week off this week so I was happy. I was almost finished voicing for wreck it Ralph with was good but I am half way on filming believe me.

It was finally time to go home early and seb decided to come with us since he had some work stuff to discuss with dad. I wasn't having the best time with my anxiety lately and I don't know why. My anxiety comes in waves it has done for years. I sat in the back while dad and seb sat in the front. I looked out the window as I hit my nails.

"You okay Dorito" seb asked looking behind

"Yeah I'm good" I said looking out the window still.

I saw seb put has hand through the gap of the chair and the door and I smiled and played with his fingers. Everything I was having a bit of anxiety he would always give me his hands so I could play with them. We finally got home and I went straight up to my room and changed. I decided to practise some of my scripts for tomorrow. After an hour I heard footsteps and instantly knew it was seb.

"Hey seb" I said through the door before he came in.

"How did you know it was me" he said walking in

"I know everyone by there footsteps yours a shallow and soft" I said shrugging

"Anyways I'm heading off so I just come to say goodbye" he said giving me a soft smile.

"Okay and also I heard your going to be in a new movie called truth the romance one with Scarlett" I said

"Yeah how did you know" he said confused

"Well it's because I'm going to be in it too be please don't tell dad he'll go mad at me for doing this" I said

"Fine I won't but who are you playing" he asked

"I am playing Connie miller and your going to play my dad and Scarlett's playing my aunt" I said

"Damn main character huh" he said

"Yeah I meet Ollie tomorrow to practice our scripts together I'm telling dad I'm going to meet McKenna so please don't tell anyone" I begged

"I won't but I have to go now good luck tomorrow" he said hugging me

"Thank I'll see you soon" I said

He smiled and left while closing my door. I smiled to myself and continued practicing my scripts for tomorrow. I went to my computer and did my online school class since I did afternoon classes instead of morning ones. Dad came up and gave me my dinner and I ate it with him in my room since he wanted to see me do my school work.

"Your really smart you know" he said

"I'm not but thank you" I said after eating. A mouth full of rice

"You are princess I mean you can ice skate and I can barely stand on ice. You can sing and act better than me" he said

"Dad just being I can ice skate, sing and act doesn't mean I am smart" I said

"Well to me your the smartest person ever" he said kissing my head

I smiled and he grabbed my plate after I finished and he disappeared downstairs. I finished school and I read some of my emails. Some were asking if I could audition for more movies. I also got asked if I could do an interview with my dad but I told them I would be busy for a while and that I wouldn't be able to make it. I got ready for bed and ran downstairs.

"Dad?" I called out since I couldn't find him

"In here princess" he shouted from his office

I got ran and slide into his office since it was marble floor.

"You called" he asked

"Yeah I just come to say goodnight some I'm getting tired" I said jumping on his back

"Okay come on I'll tuck you in" he said getting up and putting my legs around him since I was still on his back

I smiled and he walked upstairs to my room with dodger hot on his heels. He dropped me onto my bed and I got comfy as dad tucked me in with dodger.

"Good night princess I love you" dad said kissing my head

"Goodnight dad I love you too" I said softly

He smile and I returned the smile. He got up and turned off the light and closed my door quietly. I turned on my night light since I had to sleep with a light on and I cuddled up with dodger. I closed my eyes and fell asleep while thinking about how different my life has been since Chris adopted me.


Words: 1406💗

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