Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

          Shipwrecked.  Lost at sea.  Stuck on an island for forever.  Whatever you wanted to call it, to me it was just torture.  I didn’t have anywhere to charge my dead phone, all hope for communicating with my friends and family was lost, and worst of all, the only person I knew here was my mom.  

          It was supposed to be a fun little getaway to spend time with the one member of my family I despised the most.  I hadn’t seen or spoken to my mom for almost six years after her and Dad’s divorce, choosing to stay with my dad because he wasn’t as, well, annoying.  My mom would have been that annoying cheerleader everyone at school hated during her high school years.  She never stopped talking, and always complained out loud about her “ugliness”.  And now I was stuck on this island with her.

          The cruise wasn’t actually that bad, we were going around the Bahamas and seeing some gorgeous sites.  We had been heading to Florida from there, a few days trip, when we suddenly found ourselves near the shore of a random island, out of fuel.  

          “Now we can spend more quality time together, my dear Andrea!” my mom gushed, pulling me close to her and landing a big wet kiss on my right cheek.  We were in our room on the ship as I tried to turn on my phone, but I knew it was useless.  Since we had run out of fuel about an hour ago when we landed here, I couldn’t use the wall chargers on the ship.  I wished I had charged it all night instead of texting away.  I sighed in annoyance, pulling away from my mom’s arms and laying back on the queen sized bed I had to share with her.  “Do you think we will have enough to eat though?  I need to call Tracy, I haven’t heard from her in a while, she’s expecting us you know, it was gonna come any day now, oh dear I can’t even check on Facebook or anything, now...”  She went on and on about things I didn’t give a care about as I stared at the ceiling, trying to block out her annoying rants.

          Suddenly I jumped off the bed, startling my mom.  “I’m gonna find something to do,” I announced, not caring how rude I sounded.  I just wanted to get away from this woman.  I didn’t understand how I had been able to live in the same house as her all these years.  I think I may have been insane.  

          As I walked down the hall, I got lost in my thoughts of what was going to happen.  A group of people had been sent out to explore the island and search for a small town to stay at and call the mainland from, but they came back fifteen minutes later saying it was just a small island with a single village deep in the looming forests.  An undeveloped village, with people who didn’t know what a lightbulb was.  I got to the main deck to see a group of the crew discussing what they would do.  I inconspicuously leaned against the railing beside them, pretending to be concentrated on the lush green forestry lining the far shores of the island.

          “We can’t get a proper radio signal,” one of the men was saying.  

          “One of us will have to take an emergency boat and row to the nearest developed area to call in           another ship.”

          “That could be days of rowing!  We don’t even know where we are!”

          “We’ll pay someone to do it.  Someone in each direction.  We’re bound to get some eager young fella’s to do it for us,” the captain said in a confident voice.  

          I thought this through in my head.  It could be a while until we got off this island, unless land was nearby, but we had been almost halfway to Florida.  So it could be a while until we could get back.  I sighed in annoyance for what must have been the hundredth time since we had gotten there and placed my head in my hands.  

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