Chapter 1 : Someone New?

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"It's have been 4 years already. Since i have not meet him. And today's finally the day my dream is going to come true! I just turned 18 . I'm going to attend college in Seoul. I'm still in America. I have the flight tonight at 11:30 p.m . I'm damn super excited to meet him.Bruh I don't even know how to meet him . " I was rushing things up wondering here in America.

Suddenly my roommate elly asks "deep into wondering,huh?" I just chuckle as i nod my head to her. She's my one and only close friend here in America . And fortunately she's also a kpop fan. But not an engene instead a moa ! Well i respect her taste though. By the way she doesn't know about my relationship with my enha boys

" I bet you are crazy nervous for tomorrow?!" "Of course i am!" I exlaim out of joy. When suddenly elly pouts sadly making me frown at her" What's wrong buddy?" I ask worriedly while she replies " It's just..i will miss you " making me feel suddenly upset from the excitement i was feeling before.

" Same here buddy, at least you are not like them you have social medias y'know" i said as i clearly regret when she asks me back in confusion " Them?!" " I meant about my Bangladeshi friends haha" i totally lied cuz my Bengali friends still kept touch with me through their social media account.. I'm totally in great danger with this dumb little mouth of mine!

I get up as i review the checklists again and confirm if i had packed everything or not. Time passes fast and now it's 10:23 ! I'm all ready! Suddenly elly comes with alexa, she's one of my friend too but not like elly though. As we have a 10 minutes of goodbye session i get into the car. As i was looking outside of the taxi, i suddenly find a river quiet familiar when realization hits me ,this was the place where I had my last date with him. Soon after i pass Flâner and hotel rosiana where I had so many memories filled up with sweet and bitterness.

These years, for not even a single moment i could ever forget about him. Everyday, every moment it made me think of him. It felt as if i was not whole without him. Everyday even now indeed feels lonely without him. I just can't wait to reach there and visit him .

"We're here " As the driver says making my heart pump more. I'm getting more excited. Then i enter the airport as memories hits me back . Our last met! We had it here . I smile bitterly as I think of that. After everything was complete now it's finally time to enter the plain. I entered and sit on my place . There was a good looking man sitting beside me. Wow he seemed Korean.

"Are you perhaps korean?" I ask " Oh yeah" he replies with a broad grin on his face I tried to be quite friendly with him since he's my seatmate for the next 13 hours.

I3 hours were quite long for me since even a minute felt like an eternity. I was so excited to meet him after years ! But i wonder what if he's not that same excited as me? Eh naur way haha we love each other. I say it to myself with a dumb like hesitating smile

13 hours 36 minutes passed away!! Guess what?!!! Now I'm in Seoul. As i land there i ask my seatmate to help me a little since I'm not quite fluent in Korean. My seatmate was kind and helped me get on a taxi. He asked " Where do you wanna go?" I thought for some seconds and replied " To the hybe " "Where?!!" He replies confused.. " I mean to the hybe entertainment's building" ..  "Wow you know someone there? Perhaps an idol?" He asks excitedly as i nod my head all blushing by just thinking of hoonie as my boyfriend

Soon after i reach hybe! Now my heart is feeling like it would just burst out in no time! My heart stomping could be heard easily from outside. This mixed feelings of excitement, love, and the feeling of missing someone, this complex made me gasps

I felt my body shaking too. I was just not being normal. As i enter the building the guard asks me to show my id card when i just look at him saying i don't have it and I'm not worker here.

He frowns and says "Then what are you doing here?" I say "Well I'm actually here to meet someone..' "Who?!" He makes me actually annoyed asking that as i say "Enhypen" Then he says " We do not allow fan meets like that" he makes a gross reaction on his face as he says that.This time i get more annoyed and tell " Well they know me! Go and ask them that siyeon came to visit you all!"

Then the guard shakes his head making a no making myself go all red with anger as i forcefully try to go inside but he's just too powerful . I give up and just ask "Are they inside? Just tell me that." He makes a sercastic face saying " We can't expose our idol's informations ! That's included on the policy" I just huff and make my mind to stay here until night. What if i get to meet them when they will be outside?

Yes i know I'm just being silly. Love can probably make you silly. It felt cold actually. I should have dressed more warmly. It's November so it's winter here. It's so chilly out here. Suddenly i notice a tteokbokki place and since i have never eat it and i always wanted to try it , my sad expression vanished as i runned to that place smiling happyly

"Halmoni( grandma ) one serving please" I order one plate smile fully as the grandma replies okay and gives me one platter. My mouth melts instantly as i taste the tteokbokki which was quite spicy but i like spicy foods.. After billing i buy a hot Americano and feel better after drinking it little by little.

It was soon 7 , time flied for me quick as i kept watching enhypen playing on the screen actually i was watching sunghoon, then i watched people passing . Suddenly i notice 2 people walking out of the building , one in black cardigan and another in a blueish one. Both of them had caps on their head and masks were hiding their face well. One of them's back felt familiar. Soon after my face draws a big grin as i get up noticing it was the man i was longing for so long

I run towards them as both of them get's shocked making their eyes go big . I jump on sunghoon " Hoon! " I exclaim out of happiness as happy tears fall down my cheeks hugging him tight. I notice he was really shock, he was not giving me a hug back instead he hold my shoulders making me back off and says " What are you doing here?"

I frown in dissatisfaction and reply " What do you mean? I came here for you" i reply with a sad smile. " Sorry...i got someone new"

BE MY FUTURE ( VOLUME 2 ) - LOVE LASTS Where stories live. Discover now