Piece 14 (magical beings explanations)

Start from the beginning

                    "How can I even tell if I am in a place with unempowered humans? I mean, this has been going on for centuries on top of centuries, they're going to know how to hide by now. Even in plain sight."

                   "You'll be alright." She says it like it's a fact.

                   "If you say so," I say and it goes quiet for a moment.

                   "Do you have any other questions? I'm guessing you want to know about Demons and Daemons?"

                   "Yes, the one with and without an 'A.'"

                  "Okay, so we have our basic Demons, without the 'E.' The one that everyone knows. Those are the more sinful Demons. They'll lust, murder, encourage people to be envious, rage, be greedy, make bad decisions, you know. Exactly how you'd imagine. Over the years, they've discovered doing those is a lot easier when you look human. So they tend to look human and rarely show their true skin to the human eye. They only really do that when they're back in their own realm. A Daemon, the one with an 'A' is a better, more beneficial version. The most common kind of Daemons is an Empathy Daemon. Although there are Death Daemons, Insomnia Daemons, Serenity Daemons, and so on. I'm sure you can tell by the names but Daemon's, with the 'A', are more positive and human friendly. Unfortunately, centuries ago, Daemons were getting caught. Then after getting caught, they'd get used and abused for their power. Since they're all such sweethearts, they didn't want to hurt humans, but they had to stop coming to the human realm for their own sake. The Demons, without the 'A', helped erase some of their human memories of them. They'll still come around from time to time but you won't be able to remember their presence. They come around when you need it most if they find you. They're able to feel your emotions if you're their charge."

                  "What does that mean?"

                 "Being a Demon's or Daemon's charge basically means your feelings are their source of food. They feed off of your emotions. So let's say a Lust Demon finds a really horny couple or person, whenever they're having sex or masturbating, they're getting fed. The thing is, a Demon of that power can also encourage those emotions too. The same goes for all Demons. That's not always the case though, you could always be some horny fuck. You never know."

                   "Okay, okay. Fascinating."

                   "Is your brain fried yet?" She said with a cheeky grin.

                   "Nope, keep going." I lied. I need a damn breather.

                   "If you say so." She dragged out the 'so' in a taunting way. "What else would you enjoy to know?"

                    "Go more into detail about the different types of Demons and Daemons."

                    "Ugh, really?" She says dramatically. "Okay, fine. Starting off with the Demons, the ones without an 'A', you have your Seven Rulers of Hell Demons. Pride, Envy, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth." I accidentally let out a laugh. "What?" She asked, confused.

                     "Sloths are Demons?"

                     "No, obviously not. Moving on, those Demons are old. Ancient, before humans. They'll often encourage humans to do such acts. These Demons work under the acts of the Seven Rulers. Let's say someone has a Leviathan Demon on them, that Demon will encourage you to act out in a jealous way. Causing you to commit acts you'd only do if you were jealous of something or someone. Same with Pride, Wrath, and so on and so forth. You get the point. Then we have Sadism Demons who pretty much have a decent power of all of those and they often force you to do the acts without you even knowing they're there. Their ways of doing things are mostly illegal within the Magical version of the government."

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