Chapter 1

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(the image above is what your design is based on, but with different colors and such. Also this takes place during Race To The Edge, and I suck at writing from things that exist, so don't expect this to be updated a lot, but feed back is helpful)

Y/N is a Lightning Fury, a dragon no Viking had ever dared to imagine exists, the monstrous breed of Skrill, and the Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself, the Night Fury, but they do anyway. They are much larger than a Night Fury, about 2/3rds the size of a Monstrous Nightmare. Along with the large ears of a Night Fury, they have a row of spikes that start from the tip of their maw, which has a decent sized spike on the tip, and lead to in between their ears. They also have a row of spikes that sit on both sides of their lower jaw near the back towards their neck. Their wings are also noticeably larger, and look closer to the Skrill's wings, with sharp claws on the tip of them. Their scales are a deep black with a purple hue, though it's hardly noticeable unless in direct light. What is noticeable however is the streaks of white, that flow through their scales like lightning. Their Spines are bigger as well, to help with stability in any fierce storm. Another part that helps with stability is their unique tail fins. While most other dragons have 2 or even none, such as the Deadly Nadder, they have 4 within a thin X shape, which not only helps with stability, but acts as a lightning catcher, allowing them to keep themselves charged, and with the more electricity stored up, the more shots they have.


One might think that this deadly beast was one of nightmares, but they do exist, within the far reaches of the Archipelago, past the fog on an island that was the newest home of a group of Dragon Riders.

Up on the top of a mountain, towering over the island, lays a cave, a dark one at that. The inside held a small fire, keeping a small group of dragons warm. But this isn't your average flock of Gronkles or Zipplebacks. No, this was a flock of dragons you would never think of seeing together. The most noticeable dragon being a deep red Deathgripper, large and powerful, they are feared by most dragons. On top of it however, was a Terrible Terror, peacefully sleeping with the rising and falling of the Deathgripper's body. On the other side of the fire was a red and yellow Deadly Nadder, known for their razor sharp tail blades and having the hottest fire of all the dragons, but was sleeping next to the fire for warmth as well. In the far reaches of the cave however, slept the dragon of nightmares, the Lightning Fury, the true Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself. It was a dragon that no Viking had known to exist, except for the few who had encountered it, coming home with a terror that would shock even the most hardened of Vikings. And even then, most thought they were crazy.

The sun was just coming up over the horizon, bathing the island in an orange and yellow hue, pouring into the small cave like a lava lake. The first of the group to wake was the Lightning Fury, or more commonly known amongst the pack as Y/N.

They opened their eyes slowly, revealing a deep cyan color with black pupils. They rose to their feet and stretched, with their wings stretching over the Deathgripper and the Terror, who were closest to them. They groggily walked out of the cave and took in the fresh scent of the morning air, slowly making their way to a large tree that protruded off of the cliff face that the cave sat on. They sat down next to the tree, overlooking the island for any predators. Once they had made sure they were safe, well not them but their pack, they leapt off the cliff, expanding their wings to their fullest and took off towards the ocean. After flying for a few minutes, waking themselves up, they dived down towards the ocean, firing a plasma blast at the water, creating a small pool of dead fish that they grabbed with their mouth and claws. They brought the fish back to the cave and dropped them down near the fire, waking the others up. The morning was a peaceful one, with the calming sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks below, but they knew it was time to get up.

The Lightning Fury (HTTYD RTTE X Dragon Reader) (Up for adoption)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora