Chapter 4: Mike and Memories

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When I got to work the next day, Bonnie was waiting for me along with the other bots. When i came in he and all the others perked up and Bonnie spoke to me first.

"Hey y/n! I was just telling the guys how you mentioned that you had an ex who taught you how to work and repair bots. "Bonnie spoke with such glee at 9 am on a Thursday.

"Uh yeah I did." I said as I continued to walk over to my office to put my stuff down then go get coffee.

"Can you show us a picture of him?" Bonnie asked me once again.

I had put my stuff down and was holding my wallet. The photo of Mike burned through it. The photo of me, mike, Lizzie and Evan. I hesitantly opened my wallet and turned around to show them. I showed them the photo and pointed at Mike with his foxy mask on the side of his head.

"Him. That was Mike. I called him Mikey because he got annoyed when I did" As I spoke I felt my nose burning and tears threatening to spill out.

Roxy spoke first.

"Damnnnnnn, He's kinda, what's the word? Hot? yeah , he's hot" Roxy said with her hands on her hips.

"Awww hes so cute" Chica said with a smile

Monty just stood there, I couldn't read his facial depression, but he looked almost shocked or impressed.

Bonnie just looked downright shocked. And Freddy looked almost proud, I don't know. These bots confuse me so damn much.

I closed my wallet after I got my card out. The bots all slowly walked away one by one after saying more comments like, I'm lucky, and we looked cute together. I laughed a little at all their little comments about me and Mike. We weren't even together when we took that photo.

But Chica kept following me around because her handler was running late and she didn't have anyone to bother. I didn't really mind it very much though. Yes it got a little annoying at times, but she was overall good company. She kept asking me questions about Mike but when she saw that I was getting sad at the memories and questions about him.

When Drake got to the pizzaplex he took Chica and apologized to me for bugging me. I told him I didn't mind it and that it was no problem.

The day went by fast but Freddy was acting off, I don't know why. At lunch I was scrolling on my phone when my gallery did one of those little things where it makes a montage of the photos and videos you have of a person. It was all the pictures and videos of me and mike. I started to watch it when Foxy came up and was watching it with me. Then all the other bots appeared and started to watch it too. It was like 20 minutes long. I forgot how many pictures i had. Goddamn

When I was watching it I started to feel like I was going to cry again. The videos and pictures kept playing. Little pictures of me and him on trips, at work, on Halloween, little pictures of me kissing his cheek or vice versa. And then the last photo we took together before he disappeared popped up. We were in front of a sunset and we were kissing. I smiled at the photo and turned my phone off. When I did, on the reflection of the dark screen, I saw the bots.

"Can I help you lot?" i asked them, my accent strong

"You looked happy" Bonnie said

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