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The total eclipse darkened the sky, and under the shadowed sun, a newborn child took her first breath of life.

Her piercing cry brought me out of my Seraphim vision. My body trembled, racked raw and drained unlike anything I've felt before, but that didn't matter. I didn't care. The only thing that mattered in my entire world was the wailing newborn in my husband's arms.

Alucard pulled her out from under me as I gave the final push, and she took her first breath in his arms. He cut the cord with his fangs, wiping her clean with a rag. Sypha steadied me as I tried to stand up, my  back arched as I doubled over in Dracula's old chair. She sharply spoke my name. "You need to stay still,  it is all right. We'll bring her to you."  The midwives cleaned me up as much as they could.

All while Alucard held his newborn daughter. I saw him shaking . Sypha and Abby gently tended to me. Labor had come on so fast they only had time to bring me to the study, and work from there. I'd given birth to her within two hours, I heard the midwives whispering to each other, saying it was the fastest birth they've ever seen. Another human would have struggled, and perhaps died from it, they murmured thinking I wouldn't hear. I wasn't human, even though I took human form.

 I called Alucard to come over, he pulled up a couch and sat beside me, laying her in my arms.

"You sure know how to make an entrance,kid." I held her unable to keep myself from crying. It all felt so new, yet so familiar. 

"I've never seen anything so beautiful." Alucard whispered, crying unashamed. He held us both, tenderly kissing my sweaty forehead. "I'm so proud of you, my love. You did amazing."

" Thank you. I sure as hell don't feel amazing." I laughed weakly, nuzzling his forehead as we looked upon our newborn daughter full of amazement and love.

Our daughter.

Alucard gently caressed his hands through her curly golden hair."Welcome to the world, Little Dove."

The door opened, Sypha returned with Aiden, gently ushering the boy in.

"It's all right Aiden, you can come over." I smiled, holding the baby at my breast. The baby looked at him with new eyes and chirped at him as if to say. Come over here so I can meet you big brother!

The boy came over and looked over her with incredible love.

"Aiden, this is your sister, Emmaline."

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