A Place in the Sun

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"Are you sure it's a good idea to walk this far?" Alucard brooded over me, walking beside me and holding my hand.

"It's not far." I assured him. "You know the stream is right by the Belmont Hold, and that's not far away from home. Beside's Aiden's been begging me to show him the creek with the willow tree and the rocks at the bottom. You know the one."

"Yes." Alucard murmured. "Where we had our picnic and Trevor comforted you after regaining your memories. With that perfect patch where we laid in the sun." He gazed onward reminiscing while watching our adopted son trot happily ahead . "It would be delightful to return to that spot again, and Aiden will enjoy the stream for sure." Concern welled in his voice. "But maybe now's not the time, while you are in delicate condition."

"I'm not in a delicate condition." I huffed. "And my condition is exactly why it's a good idea to do this now. Later on I won't be able to make this walk."

"I do not see why we should." Alucard persisted. "You can still lay inside the greenhouse, there is plenty of sunlight and greenery."

"It's not being out in nature." I sighed.  "You don't have to worry about me, Alucard, this isn't my first time."

"It is for me." Alucard said. "And you're not just carrying a-."

"Hey come on!" Aiden stopped and waved at us. "It'll be nightfall by the time we get there!"

"Aiden! Your mother cannot move fast!" Alucard barked back at him.

"I can  move  fast enough." I squeezed Alucard's hand with a reassuring wink. With a slight pick up of pace, we caught up with Aiden and walked together on the path leading to the stream.

For Alucard, our little walk in the woods became worth it when he saw the smile on my face. "Same old, same old." I beamed, gazing on the stream with the willow tree on its high bank. "I love how it stayed even after our village was built. Come Aiden, let's sit by the rocks and put our feet in the water."

Our little family sat together at the edge of the creek with our feet in the water, watching the current trickle through our toes. Aiden poked his stick he picked up, trying to unearth fish or creatures that may be hiding beneath.

"Is the water too cold , my love?"

"It's a little chilly, but it's fine." I smiled, resting my head against his shoulder and kissing his collarbone. Alucard wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his embrace. His other hand rested tenderly on my now round belly.

"Mother, can I go into the water and look for stones?" Aiden asked, fidgeting in his seat.

"Sure kiddo, just stay by the bank over there." I pointed. "And don't go in further than your knees."

"Okay!" He trotted off with the stick in hand.

We watched our son play in the water, picking up stones and seeing how far he could throw them.  "Did you ever imagine our lives would be like this?" I said blissfully.

"Never." Alucard caressed my belly. " Never did I  think the amnesiac, injured stranger barging through my castle doors pleading for sanctuary would lead to this." He pulled me in closer.

"Getting kicked out of Heaven was the best thing that's ever happened to me." I rubbed the glyphs down my arms.  "I found a better one, here on Earth." Azrael was right, I belonged here, and choosing to remain human formed to live among them was the best decision I ever made.  I rubbed my belly, she was sleeping and probably enjoying the serenity as much as I was.

  Especially with you, little one.  Soon you'll be part of this amazing thing called life, with an entire village around you.

Alucard helped me up as I balanced my staff, guiding me to my favorite basking spot and laying me down.

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