A Rainy Walk Home

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Authors note: When  I saw the above  fanart of Genya Arikado by CLAyMoRE--MiRIA, a writing idea sprung in my mind. I hope you enjoy this simple one shot of  getting caught in the rain. 

And that's that. I watched the automatic lock click red, closing up shop for the night. Another day, another Dulce cappucino.  With the cat cafe closed for the day, I stuck the keys in my jacket and sauntered on home.

It was a busy day at the cafe today, starting with that high school field trip in the morning and  keeping lively the rest of the day. I was very proud of all my employees keeping the ball rolling, especially with the lunch rush. Even when things got tense, they never showed it, and when I sensed their moods they were calm. Either the friendly working environment I've cultivated or my sheer presence alone, being what I am, they were amazing.

The kitties definitely loved the extra attention, four of them found their new homes.

I'll treat them with something special, perhaps a night at the karaoke bar, or group tickets to a concert series, something very nice, they deserve it.

Thunder rumbled and dark clouds slowly swept over the evening sky. Drat! It's going to rain and I didn't bring my umbrella! Just my damn luck!  At least I have a hood. I buttoned my coat and walked through the main part of town, joining the flow of people either making their way home, or heading elsewhere for the night. The rain settled, it was interesting to watch people hold up their umbrellas or run for shelter under the awnings or inside shops.

That reaction never changed. People were always interesting to watch. 

I pulled my hood over and sighed.  It's only fifteen minutes and a little rain never killed anyone,  except maybe the Wicked Witch of the West.  

People crowded together at the big intersection, waiting for the light to turn. I sensed someone moving closer to me. Not pushing, but weaving their way through the waiting people like a snake. 

Suddenly, the rain stopped falling.

At least on me, under the streetlight the rain dripped down in shimmering ribbons, pattering on the umbrella propped over my head. 

It was dark, but I clearly recognized the shadowed profile standing next to me, holding the umbrella over us both. My chest flushed suddenly, warm, and I took the hand he politely offered  me.

We walked together in the rain, stopping under a tree by the shrine when the storm became a downpour. Still holding hands, I gazed upon the shadowed figure dressed in black with sheen black hair. "Good day today?" I asked quietly

He didn't speak, but nodded smiling. 

"See any aliens?"

He chuckled, murmuring no and saying he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrials in his profession.  It was a running joke between us.

"There has to be aliens." I murmured humorously. "You should drop by the cafe one day, and I don't mean coming in before the cafe opens setting up shop and feeding the animals. The black rose on the counter was a sweet gesture though."

He replied he did not wish to interfere with my job, even being married after all this time he still wanted me to have my own life. The cats acted weird around him too. 

"Dropping in for a quick hello isn't interfering with my job or life." I countered. "People are curious about my husband who none have ever seen. You've become an urban legend to my customers, and that kind gesture yesterday added fuel to the speculative fire."

Let them speculate, he responded smirking. It would be safer for both of us if he wasn't seen with me in public spaces. Besides, he's not a people person.

"We're in a public space now." I commented.

But we won't be seen. 

A deep fog blanketed the area, blinding the scenery until it was only him and me.  "Nice magic trick." I remarked.  As the rain poured on, thickening the fog, we huddled together under the tree by the shrine. He was warm, and looked up gazing at him in full adoration. He might look different under a new persona, but he was still my beloved. As I was his. 

We kissed beneath the fog  and by the time it cleared, the couple were already dry and warm in the comfort of their home.

Lady of  Castle DraculaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt