Episode Nine: " Our costumes are done!! "

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( Author's note: VERY long chapter, YAYYY!!! Also, this chapter has some triggering topics like mentions of alcohol and self harm! If you're not okay with that, then read until the part where Haru is supposed to try on his costume! If you're not going to read that part, then long story short Haru has a bad home life, and he harms himself. Oh and also, I'm not sure if housekeepers only have one client, as google didn't give me a clear answer, so just pretend they have multiple clients in this universe if they don't 😭 )

( Fifteen minutes later, Hayami Household )

" Mom??? Dad??? I'm back home!!! I went to go hang out with Haru!! ", Kumiko announced as she opened the door to her house.

It was a small, but cozy home. Perfect for a small family. It had brown and white hue on both the interior and exterior. It wasn't too fancy of house, but it didn't matter, the house held a special place in her heart.
Kumiko has mostly been homeschooled her entire life. She just started attending public school only two years ago though, so the house became very empty feeling after being secluded in there for almost her entire life. Still, it was HER home, and she found it hard to hate it or her parents. They were just trying to protect her because of their own experiences with others. The persistent asking for being let out of the house and finally going to an actual school and other places definitely paid off in the end. Kumiko still remembers the day they finally accepted like it was yesterday. Just like the day she first met Haru as well.
Kumiko took off her shoes and saw her mother in the kitchen.

" Oh! Kumiko! You're finally back! I was about to call you!! But how's Haru been? You two haven't hanged out in a while! ", her mom said as she walked over to Kumiko.

" Haha!!! I wasn't out for that long! And Haru's doing well! Me and him are in a music group now!! ", Kumiko replied.

" HUH?!?! ", Kumiko's mom exclaimed.

" WHAT??? ", Kumiko's dad called out from another room.

" You-You're in a music group with him now?! Does this mean you two WANT to do MUSIC?! ", her mom asked.

" I mean, I guess??? It's fun!! And the people we met were nice, they're high schoolers too!! ", Kumiko answered.

" YOU MET STRANGERS?!?!? ", her dad asked as he walked to the front entrance.

" WITHOUT TELLING US?!?! ", her mom continued.

" It's fine!! I only just saw their flier today and me and Haru did an audition, so of course I didn't tell you!! It only happened today!! ", Kumiko replied.

Kumiko's parents both sighed.

" Okay, well it could've went a lot worse. We should be happy, right? ", her mother said to her father.

" I guess, but don't go meeting with complete strangers next time!! Okay?? ", Kumiko's dad said to Kumiko,

" Okay! Okay! I won't!! ", Kumiko responded.

" Alright. You can go get your food now. ", her mom said.

" Alright! ", Kumiko answered as she went over to the kitchen and to grab her food.

She decided to eat her food in the dining room. It was pretty good, but she's had this meal many times before, so it got kind of old after a while.
After eating, she walked over to her bedroom. When she got there, she closed the door behind her and tidied her desk so it didn't look messy. After that, she put her phone down on her desk and turned on music. But then she noticed a song called untitled.

Closing Hour Nightmare ( Project Sekai Oc Group story )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant