Episode Four: " Circus... Sekai...? "

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Sora and Ume were in an awkward silence yet again. They both didn't really know what to say. Ume had so many questions running through her mind.

" Wait. If your parents are rich, then why didn't you just ask them to do something earlier? ", she finally asked.

" Uhm... well.. I did try, but they were very busy at the time... so I didn't bother asking again because.. I figured they would be busy.. my mom answering the phone right now was probably a miracle... ", Sora responded.

" Oh. Well, lucky us I guess? ", Ume replied.

" Uhm.. do you want to listen to some music..? While we wait...? ", Sora suggested, trying to change the subject.

" Sure. ", Ume replied.

Sora turned on his phone and clicked on his unorganized music playlist. He put the playlist on shuffle, and got a Nightcord song.

" Oh! I know this song. Jack pot Sad girl, right? ", Ume said.

" Mhm.. ", Sora confirmed.

After that, they just stayed silent, listening to whatever came up on the playlist. That was until Sora noticed a song from his playlist called " untitled ".

" Untitled..? I never added this.. ", Sora said.

" It's probably just a glitch or something, click on it. ", Ume replied.

Sora then clicked on " untitled " and suddenly there was a bright light coming from his phone! He shielded his eyes from the brightness.

" What the hell?! ", Ume exclaimed.

" I-I don't know what's happening..!! ", Sora shouted.

Sora closed his eyes because of how bright his phone was flashing. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unusual, grotesque scenery. It was an entrance to a circus, but it wasn't a normal, happy go lucky one. There was blood and dead plushies everywhere! The circus tent was red and purple too. It looked like it was slightly brighter inside of the circus than on the outside.
Ume was still next to him, standing there with an outraged expression on her face.

" WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?! ", she yelled.

" What- WHAT IN THE WORLD?! ", Sora shouted.

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! ", Ume asked, still yelling.

" I-I DON'T KNOW!!! ", Sora exclaimed, now panicking.

They both then heard footsteps from in front of them. They slowly turned to the tent and saw... Hatsune Miku? Expect she looked really different. She was wearing a dark purple striped circus outfit, as well as devil horns and a star in her hair. She also had a unique looking staff on her back.

" Welcome to your sekai.. or whatever. ", she said.

" H-Huh?! Our.. what now?! ", Sora asked.

" The oh so wonderful place where your feelings take form. Eh I'm not good at making things sound exciting, you're going to have to ask Luka or Meiko. ", Miku responded.

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