Chapter 12 | Getaway

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"Spencer and Hanna have been fighting all morning and won't tell me why, so I think they might've gotten into an argument while organizing," Emily recalled, a humorous smile on her face. "They're both really intense about parties in their own ways, and Aria's usually the mediator but she was already frustrated by the two of them."

"Hmm," Alison hummed playfully, folding her arms on the desk. "Definitely sounds like a surprise party."

"Why are you asking?" Emily inquired, a tiny thrill shooting inside of her at the particular look on Alison's face.

"Well," the blonde piped up, "when I was talking to Cece, I happened to mention your birthday, and I was sad that we couldn't really go out somewhere together. So, she actually had a pretty great idea."

"What was it?" Emily's curiosity sparked.

"Her fiancé's family owns a bunch of lofts in Manhattan that they rent out, but one of them happens to be between tenants right now," Alison elaborated.

"Okay," Emily questioned the mysterious tone of Alison's words, innocently wondering what all that had to do with her.

"How would you feel about going away for the night?" Alison suggested temptingly, an undertone of anticipation in her voice. Emily's jaw dropped slightly as she connected the dots. "We could stay up there this weekend, get out of this small town where everyone knows everyone."

Emily breathed out in awe, all of the incredible possibilities running through her mind. "Ali, that sounds amazing," she gushed and the blonde smiled happily up at her, before Emily's face dimmed a bit, "but... God, what would I tell my mom? She already said something about how I'm spending too much time out of the house." She looked regretfully down at the desk, mumbling, "If we're leaving town, it's a whole different story."

Alison nodded, a sad smile showing on her face. "Yeah, I get it," she uttered softly. She saw the devastation on Emily's face, assuring her, "Em, it was just an offer, it's totally okay if-"

"No, I," Emily interrupted, looking at her insistently, "I want to go." She crossed her arms, tenderly letting out, "I actually want it more than anything."

Alison stared at her in understanding, "I'm sorry you have to constantly lie to your mom."

"Yeah, it's not fun, but... I really want to spend that time with you, somewhere outside of here. It's the best thing I could wish for my birthday," Emily said wistfully, her eyes telling Alison just how much she craved this. The brunette bit her bottom lip pensively before deciding, "I'll come up with something, okay?"

"Emily, are you sure?" Alison asked in concern.

"Yeah," Emily nodded with certainty, leveling her gaze, "we're going."

A fond smile slowly grew on Alison's face. "Okay," she agreed.

After they kept on talking for a minute or two before Emily went off to the cafeteria, Alison wished they were making the right decision with this. This would be their biggest 'operation' yet. Going to New York with Emily sounded like a dream, but dreams sometimes cost you something.

She hoped this wasn't the case.


True to Emily's prediction, her friends began acting even fishier as the week progressed until her birthday finally came around, landing on a Friday. She shook off their weirdness, going along with whatever they were saying so she wouldn't ruin the surprise.

Now, as she sat in the backseat of Spencer's car while the brainiac steered the four of them to what the girls had dubbed a 'really cool new restaurant', Emily was free to think.

The English Teacher ➳ EmisonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang