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Chapter 43

Hesun slammed the door closed and ran away inside, but he wasn't able to fully close it because the person at the door stopped it with a bare hand and went inside.

“That's not how you should greet a guest, you know.”

Hesun picked up the gun on the table and pointed it at the person who just stood up there, looking at him.

“H-how did you know this place? How did you find me?!” Hesun is shocked, he can't believe this is happening.

How does Jungkook find him?

Taehyung told him that Jungkook didn't know this place, but what is he doing here right now?

Did Taehyung set him up?

No, that's impossible, Taehyung needs him to complete his plan to take down Mirae and he promised to him as well.

“Seriously, won't you invite me to take a seat first? I'm a guest, you know.” Jungkook chuckled.

“You're an uninvited guest, answer my question, or else I will shoot you.” Hesun threatened him even though he was shaking so badly as if a simple wind could blow him off.

“Well, I can't call myself a guest, though. This is my husband's property, after all.” Jungkook grinned and sat down on the couch, taking the magazine on top of the table.

“What do you want? What are you doing here? You're not here to kill me, aren't you?” Hesun asked, still in his defensive mode.

“Well, it depends on my mood. Should I kill you or not?” Jungkook smirked and looked at him.

“You can't kill me, your husband hired me. You will ruin everything if you kill me.” Hesun said, swallowing a lump of saliva in his throat.

“Really? Then, I guess I wouldn't do that.” Hesun was relieved after hearing that. “Unless, if you tell me my husband's plan, I would spare your life. But if you dare to tell a lie, I will shoot your brain.”

Jungkook quickly took out the gun from nowhere and pointed it at Hesun who got stiffened due to shock.

“Was it you who spread that accusation against Mirae? Or it was my husband's plan?” Jungkook's voice had gotten stern compared to earlier.

“Y-yes, it was all his plan. He told me to find anything related to your mother to take her down.” Hesun told him the truth, knowing he couldn't mess up with Jungkook.

“In exchange for what?” Jungkook asked him.

“My life. He mentioned to me that you wouldn't kill me once I did what he wanted. After all, I didn't truly kill him!” Hesun admitted.

“Ah, so, seriously, I can't tell if my husband is stupid or a genius? I guess both.” Jungkook chuckled.

“Did you know that he's your real husband and just pretending to be a total stranger?” Hesun inquired, looking straight at Jungkook.

“I know.” Jungkook shortly replied as if it wasn't a big secret.

“Then, why are you pretending not to know anything?” Hesun asked.

“For fun, he's cute when he's lying, you know.” Jungkook playfully laughed.


If confusion was a person, it would be Hesun right now. His face is full of confusion, not really understanding the mindset of the couple.

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