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I tremble as I enter Chase's workplace. He is studying some papers while seated at his workstation. As soon as I open the door and our eyes make contact, he raises his head. We were silent the entire time, and he never looked away from me.


"You know I was disappointed to wake up and find you gone."

I have to wait a moment before I realize he is referring to the evening we spent together. I didn't anticipate that he would mention that night in his first sentence.

"You wouldn't want an intern to be late, would you? I was running late for my first day of the internship."

"That's right," he says with a giggle that sounds sour.

"I ought to have expelled you earlier."

"I'm still here, though."

"And I'll regret it later, won't I?"

"I'm an excellent worker, so you won't regret it."

"Hopefully so."

"Does that imply I'll remain?"

"Confide in me."

"I'm worried I'll get tossed out if I do that."

Chase stands up from his chair and approaches me directly from behind the table.

"What if I told you that I could influence your continued employment?"


Chase moves in closer; there are now only a few inches separating us. My breath catches, but I make an effort to remain calm. I am unable to give in to the increasing sensation inside of me.

"What are you doing?" I'm overly anxious about this circumstance. Chase arouses impulses in me that I'm too afraid to acknowledge.

"I don't know. I'm conflicted by two opposing emotions."

"Who or what are they?"

"You inform me."

"I believe it's me and your principles."

"For you, I want to forget about all of my morals. What makes you, Yla, special?"

"I'm not unique,"

"But you are." He almost hesitates to raise his hand, but he stops before it can touch my cheek. He seemed to be battling himself. His skin is warm, and it beckons to me. His skin has a strong, macho smell that blends with the perfume of his cologne. His eyes have a tiny hood, and I can tell he finds me just as alluring. I'd like for him to touch my face. He also wants to touch me; I know it. Chase drops his hand as I nudge my head away from him. But he is still looking at me. His gaze drooped to my lips, where they froze. Realizing how he feels causes my heart to race. I want a kiss from him. Chase's eyes return to mine when I spit up.

"What will we do?" I asked.

"I wish I knew, but I won't fire you because, first of all, it's unfair to you, and secondly, I think we can conduct ourselves professionally moving forward."

"Now that we are completely professionals, what happens?"

"I sincerely hope we can accomplish that."

"How about if we don't?"

"Then we'll get into a lot of trouble."

"Yla, I don't mean to hurt you."

"I fear that it is inevitable."

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