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I'm set to begin an internship with Celestial Zenith, the top marketing firm! I would do anything to get this internship because it has been my goal since I first entered college. I look at my phone. In less than an hour, my first meeting will begin. I'll be running late for the meeting!

"My name is Elena Morris, and I'm in charge of the interns at Celestial Zenith, the most successful marketing firm in this country. In the upcoming few months, you'll meet a few more folks, including the CEO himself."

The interns start muttering. Elena continues speaking after the interns have stopped talking.

"You know how lucky you must be to have the internship here! We chose the 20 best applicants out of thousands of applicants."

"What are the terms of our internship?" one of the interns asked.

"The CEO will fill you in on the rest of the information tomorrow, and we expect you here at 8 a.m. sharp."

This excites me a lot! Ever since I began my first year of college, it has been my goal.

"Let's all head over to the Rocks Club!"

I turned to face the speaker of that sentence.

"Isn't it a VIP club?" Jenna asked.

"It is, but I am acquainted with the owner. Let's honor our internship together!"

"We have an early start tomorrow."

Amie responded, "Come on! It's our final day of freedom!

"She is correct; the coming months will be difficult. Let's enjoy ourselves while we still can."

"All right, I'm in."

"Perfect; see you all in a few hours," Jax said.

The remaining interns begin heading toward the elevator. Amie comes to a stop next to me and croons in my ear.

"Do you think he's attractive?"



"The one who's invited us to the club?"


"He is fine."

"You're not blind, are you? Come on."

"I'm not looking for a boyfriend, so leave."

"We must have some fun, or we will pass out from boredom."

I enter the elevator as soon as it rings, attempting to steer the talk away from boys. It's our last free day before months of arduous work, so Jax was probably right. I'm only 22. I must have more parties!

When I arrived at my home, I stripped off all of my clothes before deciding on a black off shoulder dress and accessorizing it with white jewelry.

I'm ready for the time of my life! As soon as I enter the club, I recognize a few interns. When Amie approaches me.

"Are we planning on imbibing tonight?"

"I believe... we are definitely!"

"That's the attitude,"

"You did really arrive!" Jax exclaimed.

"You were quite convincing."

"I'm glad you joined us; come with me; the VIP lounge is where we are."

"V.I.P. lounge?"

"I informed you that my friend is the club's owner."

Amie retorted, "You must have very wealthy friends."

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