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After a few minutes of maintaining eye contact, he breaks it off and turns his focus to Jenna.

"Follow me, girls." Chase circles back and moves in the direction of his office.

"Wishing you luck", Amie remarked.

I smile in appreciation and follow Chase and Jenna. As soon as I approach Jenna, she whispers into my ear so that Chase won't hear her.

"He'll evict you the following day."

"Maybe today's departure will be handled by you." Rolling her eyes, Jenna runs after Chase. The intern has not yet departed. What if, though, today is the day? I'm unsure of what will occur next. especially considering my relationship with the CEO.

Chase closes the door when Jenna and I enter his office. Chase motions for me to sit on the couch as he takes a seat at his table.

"Have you ever heard of Drinkini?"

"Of course!" Jenna exclaimed.

"I'll give you all the details and plans we have, and your job is to come up with an idea for an advertisement. But first, I want to ask you: Would you like to work together or separately? Our company is currently working on their marketing campaign, and we're creating a TV commercial for their new product."

"I'd like to work alone, but I can work with you if you need me to."

"She's the worst in the program, and I have no idea how she got into this internship, so I can't work in a team with her," Jenna remarked.

I can't believe she would say such a thing about me here, in front of everyone! especially because my future in this company is in jeopardy. I shift my weight awkwardly because I'm frightened that Chase is looking at me with malice in his eyes. I look up at him as I hear him exhale, but he is not looking at me.

"Let me make the decision." When Chase says something, I pay close attention and try to figure out his meaning. Has he already made up his mind to eject me? Or do I still have a chance?

"Today, you'll work independently." With two files in his hands, Chase advances. One goes to Jenna, while the other is given to me.

"You're already bringing yourself down, Jenna, I see."

"What are you saying?"

"You've just proved that you can't operate in a team. I need to know that my staff can work both in a team and alone."

"I just thought I could."

"Start working; I don't have time for this chat."

For the first time since he yelled my name, he fixed his gaze on me. At his notice, the butterflies in my stomach started to flutter. I attempt to look for any hints as to what might be in store for me soon. His expression, though, says nothing. I detest the fact that he doesn't explain my circumstances to me.

"I'll periodically check on your progress, and I want to see you both in action to see how you're managing the work," he said.

The following hour was spent examining my cases in silence. I occasionally sneak peeks at Chase. He seemed to be focused on his own paperwork. But after a brief moment of eye contact, our gazes locked. He is currently experiencing a wide range of emotions. I sigh as I lower my head and hear Chase sigh.

The next few hours passed without incident. Chase occasionally checks in on how we're doing, but he keeps a considerable distance between Jenna and me. Chase's voice came from behind me as I was finishing up a character drawing for the advertisement.

Midnight SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now