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"He's strict, isn't he?" I turned around and found Jax smiling at me.

"He is."

"Are you nervous?"

"I'm fine."

"Great, we have other things to worry about."

Elena shows up and leads us to the farthest end of the office. She points to the row of computers with two seats at each table.

"Today, you'll be working in pairs. You have the freedom to choose your partner." I looked at the other interns, but it seems like everyone has already paired up.

"Would you like to work with me?"

"I'd love to."

Jax smiles warmly. I like Jax, but I'm not sure I want to have any relationships at work. Especially not after last night's fiasco. After everyone divides into pairs, Elena continues.

"At the end of the day, I want to see a report based on your research, and I want you to pitch a marketing campaign for the product based on the information you obtain. You will all receive various items. Your duty is to study their target demographic." She puts a large toy vehicle in front of us as she approaches our table.

"This toy is fantastic!"

"You seem a bit elderly for it, don't you?"

"The other day, my cousin's child begged me to buy it."

"Did you buy it?"

"My cousin has refused to let me spoil her kid."

"Poor kid." Jax's smile lines vanish as he takes on a serious expression as he looks at the toy on the table. We're out of time to talk. We have to get to work.

"Parents are an easy target group, so I believe we should focus our marketing efforts on fathers."

"I believe mothers may be more significant,"

"Dads, however, are the ones who purchase toys for their own use in play. And because purchasing the toys would be a financial waste, their wives forbade them from doing so."

"That's wise; let's check their website to see if we can learn more."

The following few hours were spent researching the business and developing a marketing strategy. Jax is incredibly smart and easy to work with, and we have a good understanding of one another. And I'm proud of our workmanship when I see the final product.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Yla; it's amazing working with you."

"Jax, you're a great collaborator too; you came up with the core concept."

"And it was you who added imagination to it."

"It wasn't particularly original."

"It was."

We locked eyes for a short time. Something caught my attention in Jax's gaze. Affection.

"It was a pleasure working with you; you're a fantastic partner."

"Same here. Working with you was a complete stroke of luck."

"Let's now deliver this report to Elena."

"I'll do it." Jax approached Elena and spoke with her as I watched. Amie approaches my side. She smiles widely.

"All the females are so jealous of you."


"Jax is the second-most sought-after man here after our CEO, making him the hottest intern."

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