[FOURTH]: getting to know this place..

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.......within an odd place... someone stands, watching.. walking down the infinite pathway of time itself, the watcher of all timelines.

 walking down the infinite pathway of time itself, the watcher of all timelines

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One set of timelines however... looks wrong.. shaky and Red, they glow in AGONY. one of a person dying from toxic air, another narrowly failing to reach a saving gas mask.. and a third, killed by an automated machine.. who is mortified when she realizes her target wasn't a robot, but instead a human..

The Watcher is not meant to interfere, his job is simply to watch. But this person... they're the same in each one, he can tell as the very manifestation of time itself. this person isn't different in each reset. he's the SAME guy.... he's causing time to split when he dies... to brute force his way to a happy ending.

He sees many deaths yet to happen, many highs and lows, a big adventure...

the Watcher Sighs, he hopes the mental fortitude of this human matches with the one he was based off.. otherwise.. he might not last..


Y/N's Pov:

i've just been kinda Wandering through the snow for a while now, thinking about things.. its daylight now, so thats nice too. 

So far this place seems Desolate as hell, abandoned destroyed buildings are all over the place

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So far this place seems Desolate as hell, abandoned destroyed buildings are all over the place. ice and snow covers every surface.

I nervously decide to take out the Deagle i have. even if i can't shoot it, holding it makes me feel safer. which is better than nothing i guess..

as i'm walking, i start hearing thumping

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as i'm walking, i start hearing thumping.. like something big is moving around?... that.. that doesn't sound good.. i crouch down, trying to keep a low profile, still don't see anything tho...oouh.....hhhhhOOOOOOOOLLYY SHIT?!?


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its body looks mechanical i think.. but its clearly mostly made out of ice.... its probably gonna be best.. that i go.. before it sees me..


......Fucking dammit Snow....

-----------YOU ARE DEAD---------------

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-----------YOU ARE DEAD---------------

OKAY..... that... wasn't good... how did it actually kill me exactly?

"Cause of Death: Liquid Nitrogen" Oh so it FROZE Me? by just... standing CLOSE to me?! Jesus christ..

as i'm slowly getting my bearings.. i can't help but notice something kinda out of place on the desk, theres a black and white Pocket clock thingy..

 i can't help but notice something kinda out of place on the desk, theres a black and white Pocket clock thingy

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Might as well hold onto it.. maybe its another thing from that skeleton..

i reach out and hit the button again..


i stand up instantly, getting kinda used to this now. knowing that the building infront of me has deadly like.. robot pirates? and the place behind me has a big ice monster... i don't really know where to go now.. maybe i'll go further down the direction i bumped into that skeleton, yeah that sounds good.

I start walking over in that direction, looking at the trees, how some look dead, while others look healthy. its interesting-

---------------YOU ARE DEAD-------------


"Cause of Death: Icicle" .........OH MY GOD... i wasn't looking where i was going.... i actually just. tripped on the skeleton again and face-planted into the Icicle... 



i've been just.. sitting in the red room for a few minutes now.. i need some time to think and plan stuff out... and i don't think.. theres a time limit in here?

so.. i can just stay here for as long as i need...

huh... i... i might be able to get used to this place.. its kinda nice..

-----------YOU ARE.... ALIVE?------------

Deathcount: 5

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