[THIRD]: Living a Rogue-Lite.

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Y/N's Pov:

I can hear footsteps approaching me.. heavy footsteps, coming right towards my location.. mega crap...

I can hear it getting closer.. i need to hide, and i think i know where... 


a strange thing walks into the room. it takes note of the broken glass, missing gas-mask. and the missing JCJenson branded hammer. 

"....hmm.... where are you?"

The odd looking mechanical automaton locks on the glass, its enhanced tracking systems quickly discovering footprints leading to a nearby desk

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The odd looking mechanical automaton locks on the glass, its enhanced tracking systems quickly discovering footprints leading to a nearby desk.

"....oh Boy.. i guess theres no worker in here after all.. i sure am leaving the room.." *he slowly walks past the desk, winking at it despite the fact the "worker" under it can't see him*

**after exiting the Desk's line of sight, the robot does some steps without moving, to try and make it sound like he's walking away.**


Y/N's pov:

My breathing is

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My breathing is.. almost silent.. i think the mask is somehow making me quiet.. good on you gas-mask company.

i'm distracted from my talks of gas masks from a rather.. jovial voice.. "....oh Boy.. i guess theres no worker in here after all.. i sure am leaving the room.." Is... is this guy serious? I think he is... 

Step Step Step Step

Yep.. he's trying to bait me.

"N, if theres Nothing in there then stop wasting our Time!!!" I flinch from the shouting.. i'm assuming that N is some kind of code name.. no way someone would name their kid that... well except maybe elon musk

"Coming!" This time.... i can actually hear his footsteps getting further away.... i think i'm in the clear. whats also handy is i found some gloves under the desk while i was hiding, plus a gun... which i have no idea how to use, or even if it has bullets... but i can point it and things to scare them so thats good i guess..

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