This question had been at the back of your mind but finally you got an opportunity to ask so you took it. "How did you become a vampire?" As the words left your mouth you saw his expression grow into one of anger. "Sorry, you don't have to answer. I just thought I'd try." You back peddled, hoping to not have offended him.

"It's fine. It just the way it happened still pisses me off." He began. "I was just starting figure skating. At the time I was really bad so my family hired a trainer to teach me. She was practically my second mom, I was with her all the time. One day I tried a jump I wasn't ready for and landed backwards on my leg. I broke it in three places, ending any chance I had of going into competitions. A few days later I went to the ice rink on my crutches and cried until she found me. I didn't know it at the time but she was a vampire and she fed me her blood. Suddenly I was healing and able to start skating again. Just like that, I was thrown into the world of vampires. And my teacher? She went to prison for unlawfully turning someone. She risked everything and I couldn't even finish out my career as a skater." His eyes were beginning to well but his face stayed in that same angry expression.

"Oh sunghoon. I'm so sorry that happened to you." You opened your arms, silently asking to hug him. He leaned in, accepting your embrace.

"Hybe took me in but I still feel like I don't deserve anything I have." His words were muffled but they hit you deeply. You started to tear up yourself, holding him tight.

"I can promise you, that woman is and will always be proud of you. She wanted you to do what made you happy, I just know it. Don't beat yourself up. I'm saying this as your friend and as an engene, you have brought so much happiness into the world. Don't ever regret that."

The two of you wiped your tears as your words seemed to hit him. Just telling him wasn't going to fix everything but he needed to hear it from someone.

"Thank you." He mumbled, making you smile big.

"Now I feel like I owe you one." You joked, making him laugh a little. "Here, pet the cat. It always makes me feel better."

Said cat was sitting on his brand new cat tower. You pulled the tall man up, bringing him to it. He gently brushed his hand across Eggs soft fur.

"This is kinda nice." He admitted.

"See I told you." You gave him a pat on the back. He looked over, making eye contact with you. You just smiled brightly, hoping that would make him feel better.

"We should probably go out. I don't want them to know what we talked about though." He said, focusing back on the cat.

You suddenly came up with an excellent plan. "I just thought of something but you have to follow my lead."

After a few minutes you both returned to the group who were just finished with the movie.

"The lovebirds have returned." Heeseung announced, causing everyone to look in your direction.

"Shut up, we were just talking." The man next to you explained.

"Talking my ass. You guys were gone for like a long time." The youngest joined in.

"Yeah, we made out." You spoke bluntly. The horrified look you got from sunghoon made you want to laugh so hard but you held it in.

"I thought we weren't going to tell them?" He quickly played into your lie.

The shock on their faces was priceless. Even Heeseung looked like he was about to fall out of his seat.

"No fucking way." Jay let out.

"That's- that's just... crazy." Jake looked so lost.

Playing into the game, you traced your hand down Sunghoons arm. Finally interlacing your fingers with his. He was beet red which made your tease feel even better. You got everyone, even him.

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