The Seven Seas

71 3 10

Age: 16

Gender: Female


- Has long blue hair and soft purple eyes

- Wears a flowy light-blue dress with pink bubble designs

- Wears a necklace with alternating pearls and seashells strung onto it

- Always looks calm, despite her emotions running wild


- Bubbly, energetic

- Emotional, rarely as calm as she looks

- Organised

- Perfectionist

DISC: Inspiring-compliant



- Swimming

- Reading fiction

- Seaweed soup (me too!)

- Watermelon (like Fingerdash)


- Heights (she is afraid of heights)

- Spicy food (like really, really dislike)

- Scary stories


- Viking Arena

- Airborne Robots

- Deadlocked

- Fingerdash

People she dislikes:

- Power Trip (too bossy and controlling)

- Electrodynamix (arrogant blockhead)


- None.


Fingerdash: Hey Tiffamon336! I would like to introduce you to my friend.

The Seven Seas: Hi Tiffamon336! Name's The Seven Seas. Nice to meet you too.

Me: Hi! Nice to meet you too. I like your necklace, by the way.

T.S.S.: Thanks! I made it myself when I was younger. Viking Arena and Airborne Robots helped me collect the seashells and pearls.

Me: Wow! And how did you thread them together?

T.S.S.: I managed to use a drawing pin to pick at them. I originally did so because I was bored, but eventually realised that I could poke holes in the seashells and pearls.

Me: That's amazing.

T.S.S.: I'm very proud of it. And thanks for asking! I don't usually get asked about my necklace.

Me: Why? It's so beautiful.

T.S.S.: I don't really know. Anyways, let's meet another time. I'm busy today.

Me: Okay! Bye!


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