Stereo Madness

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Art by Li-San-Yankee

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Art by Li-San-Yankee

Age: 8

Gender: Male


- Has short pink hair and pale blue eyes

- Is always wearing his favourite light pink earphones

- Likes to wear a light blue t-shirt and shorts

- Looks (and is) very innocent


- Very kind and sweet

- Innocent to the point of immaturity

- Takes things at face value, doesn't understand jokes or sarcasm

- Smarter than he thinks

- Does not have the self-awareness to be insulted, if you try he will simply ask you what you meant. 

DISC: Pure Inspiring



- Sweet treats (especially the cookies Hexagon Force makes)

- Puppies

- Listening to music

- Back on Track's jump-pad shoes

- His friends to be with him


- Music that's too loud

- Big dogs (puppies are cute, dogs are scary)

- Spicy food

- Being by himself

- Shouting or screaming


- Back on Track (first and best friend)

- Dry Out (able to make him laugh)

- Jumper (plays with him often)

- Hexagon Force (one word: cookies)

People he dislikes:

- Clubstep (plays his music way too loudly)

- Polargeist (so quiet he's creepy)


- None.


SM: *jumping up and down* Hi! My name is Stereo Madness. What's your name? Can we be friends? 

Me: Whoa, whoa, calm down. My name is Tiffamon336 (my in-game name), and yes, we can be friends!

SM: Yay! By the way, Hexa made me some cookies! They're the best! Wanna have some?

Me: Okay! Let's go!


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