
70 1 4

Age: 15

Gender: Female


- Has red hair with yellow highlights and black colored eyes

- Likes to wear yellow, orange or pink clothes

- Wears a black apron over her shirt


- Cheerful, social

- Humble

- Patient

- Good listener


DISC: Stable-inspiring



- Art, especially drawing

- Talking with friends

- Watermelon (it has the *juice*)

- Her pet bat Montenegro ("Monty")

- Songwriting


- Fights/arguments

- People not taking her seriously

- Anyone hurting Monty


- Base after Base (BFF no.1)

- Electroman Adventures (BFF no.2)

- Cycles (singing buddies, they create songs together)

- The Meltdown levels (The Seven Seas, Viking Arena and Airborne Robots)

Everyone else except the 4 below \/\/\/

People she dislikes:

- Xstep (she doubts his honesty)

- Electrodynamix (arrogant)

- Power Trip/Cant Let Go (bossy)


- Deadlocked/Viking Arena (twins, older brothers)


Fingerdash: *singing in the park*

Me: Hi! My name's Tiffamon336. Nice to meet you. I like your song, by the way.

Fingerdash: Thanks! Name's Fingerdash, formerly Fingerbang. Anyways, I shouldn't really take all the credit. My friend helped me with the tune, and I did the lyrics. 

Me: Nice! Your friend is really nice. Just asking, but what's her name?

Fingerdash: Cycles. You know her?

Me: You mean Time Machine's best friend?

Fingerdash: Yep! So you do know her. I'm so grateful for her help. I love art and songwriting, but am hopeless at music.

Me: Why don't you ask Electrodynamix and Blast Processing for help as well? Electrodynamix can help you play background music, and Blast can record, edit and post your song online.

Fingerdash: I've been trying to ask Electrodynamix for weeks. He says he has better things to do than helping *airquotes* 'dumbasses' like me. I'll try asking Blast though.

Me: Thanks. Anyways, I need to go now. Bye, and good luck!

Fingerdash: Bye!


Hypersdestiny/Jataly, feel free to message me your ideas!

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