Dry Out

103 1 2

Art by Li-San-Yankee

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Art by Li-San-Yankee

Age: 12

Gender: Male


- Has flaming red (orange?) hair and black-colored eyes

- Always has a smile on his face

- Wears whatever he finds in his cupboard, no matter what it is

-  Likes to tie his navy blue sweater around his waist like a belt


- Very cheerful

- Funny

- Overly positive

- Has a goldfish memory

- Takes nothing seriously

DISC: Pure Inspiring



- Telling jokes and making a fool of himself

- Dancing

- Having fun with friends

- Telling stories to others

- Spicy food

- Hexagon Force's pastries


- People telling him to shut up

- Quiet places

- Being by himself

- Feeling left out


- Stereo Madness (plays with him)

- Back on Track (nice girl)

- Jumper (BFF)

- Hexagon Force (bakes the most awesome stuff)

People he dislikes:

- Cant Let Go (too bossy)

- Polargeist (doesnt meet him much, doubt they know each other exists)


- None.


Me: Hi! Nice to meet you.

Dry Out: Nice to meet you too. Name's Dry Out. What's yours?

Me: Tiffamon336. Can we be friends?

D.O: Yep! Wanna hear a joke? How do you know a level's in love with ya? He CAN'T LET GO of you!

Me: Good one!

D.O: There's more... *starts telling like 20 jokes*

Me: *facepalms* well, shoot.


geometry dash levelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora