Episode 15: "Is it Faith, Or just a Coincidence?"

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As the sun began its descent over the picturesque town of Amalfi, casting a warm glow over the cobblestone piazza, a sleek black car pulled up, disrupting the rhythm of the ongoing protest. The crowd fell silent, their unified voices fading into a hush as the car door opened, and out stepped Yeol.

Mi Cha, felt a jolt of recognition. Her heart pounded in her chest, a flood of memories rushing back. She watched as Yeol surveyed the crowd, his gaze cold, his demeanor distant. The man she once knew, the man she once loved, seemed like a stranger.

As Yeol's gaze met hers, Mi Cha felt a pang of hope. She held her breath, waiting for a flicker of recognition, a sign that he remembered her. But all she saw was indifference, his eyes devoid of any recognition. It felt like a cold wind had swept through her, chilling her to the bone.

In contrast, Yeol felt a strange tug at his heart as he locked eyes with a stranger. There was something about her, something familiar that he couldn't quite place. But his lost memories offered no answers, leaving him confused and intrigued.

"What seems to be the problem here?" He asked, his voice echoing off the ancient stone buildings. His words were met with angry retorts from the crowd, their voices rising in protest once again.

Mi Cha watched as Yeol shrugged off their concerns, his indifference stinging her. She felt a lump in her throat as she stepped forward, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "We've built our lives here!,.. You can't just take that away."

He turned to her, his gaze finally meeting hers again. But instead of the recognition she hoped for, all he said was, "And you are?" His words were like a dagger to her heart, confirming her worst fears - the Yeol she once knew was gone, replaced by a stranger who didn't remember her.

When Yeol first laid eyes on Mi Cha amidst the crowd at the protest, he felt an inexplicable pull towards her. Her fiery spirit and determination, so evident as she stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the locals, intrigued him.

However, his lost memories offered no answers to the sense of familiarity he felt. His gaze lingered on her, trying to place where he might have seen her before. Despite the tension of the situation, he found himself captivated by her strength and resilience.

Yet, when he addressed her directly, there was a noticeable confusion in his eyes. He didn't recognize her, but there was an undeniable curiosity, a desire to understand why this woman felt so familiar. His reaction was a mix of intrigue and bafflement, a clear indication of his memory loss.

After the rally - In the Piazza;
As the last rays of the sun disappeared, painting the Amalfi sky with hues of purple and pink, Mi Cha found herself alone in the now deserted piazza. The echoes of the day's protest still hung in the air, a stark reminder of the struggle they were facing.

Mi Cha felt a mix of emotions - defiance, worry, and a strange sense of hope. Despite Yeol's indifference, she couldn't shake off the memories of the man he once was. She clung to the hope that somewhere deep down, he could still value the moments of love they've shared in the past.

In the quiet of the piazza, Yeol decided to go back to the piazza and he found Mi Cha sitting by the fountain, he found himself drawn to Mi Cha. Her resilience and determination intrigued him. He couldn't remember her, yet he couldn't ignore the strange familiarity that tugged at his lost memories.

He sat not too far away from her, and for a while he decided to break the silence, Yeol approached Mi Cha. "Why does this place mean so much to you?" he asked, his voice echoing in the empty square.

Mi Cha stunned by the voice beside her suddenly asked, she didn't notice him earlier, she turned to him, her eyes reflecting the soft glow of the streetlights. "Because this is more than just a building..." she replied, her voice steady. "This is our home, our livelihood. We've poured our hearts into this place... You cannot just let go something so dear to you, right?"

Bella Vita: a Tale of Love (CNBLUE Jung Yong Hwa x Song Hye Kyo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now