Episode 08: "Life Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow"

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The intimate and romantic night between Yeol and Mi Cha was led by a series of emotionally charged moments. Mi Cha, sharing such a deeply personal and painful part of her past brought them closer, creating an environment of trust and understanding. Yeol's comforting presence and his reassurance that she was no longer alone touched Mi Cha deeply.

This emotional connection, coupled with the romantic setting of the pool under the night sky, led to an irresistible pull between them. Yeol, moved by Mi Cha's vulnerability led him to make the first move. Their shared trauma, understanding, and comfort culminated in a deeply romantic moment, turning the night into a memory of shared confessions, irresistible romance, and a deep intimate bond.

As a new day dawns, the first rays of the new day peek over the horizon, Yeol and Mi Cha find themselves standing by a large window, watching the sunrise. They are both wrapped in a single white linen sheet, the only testament to their shared intimacy from last night.

The room is bathed in the soft, warm glow of the morning sun, casting a gentle light on their intertwined figures. Their skin still tingles from the lingering touches, their hearts beating in a harmonious rhythm.

Mi Cha leans into Yeol, her head resting on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Yeol wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on her bare arm.

They stand there in comfortable silence, the world outside coming to life as they bask in the tranquillity of their shared moment. It's a new day, the promise of a fresh start, their bond deepening with the rising sun.

As they watch the sun rise, they share a soft, lingering kiss, a silent promise of many more mornings like this one. It's a cozy, romantic start to their day, their love story continuing to unfold with the dawn of each new day.

At the Pier – In Greece;
Yeol and Mi Cha stands shoulder on the ship's deck, their bodies subtly leaning into each other. The warmth of their shared intimacy from the previous night still lingers, wrapping them in a comforting cocoon of shared memories.

The morning sun casting a golden hue over the tranquil sea. The world around them stirs to life, yet they remain in their tranquil bubble, the bustling activity around them a mere backdrop to their shared moment. Mi Cha, her gaze lost in the receding shoreline, finally breaks the silence. "I never thought I'd feel this way, but I'm going to miss Greece," she confesses, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

Yeol, feeling the slight tremor in her voice, gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Greece has been a magical journey," he agrees, his voice a soothing whisper against the morning breeze.

Turning towards her, he captures her gaze, his eyes mirroring the depth of their shared connection. "But it's not just the place, Mi Cha-ssi," he adds, his voice tender. "It's the memories we created, that's what makes it truly special."

Their shared moment, filled with unspoken emotions and a comforting silence, paints a beautiful end to their Greek journey. As they bid goodbye to Greece, they carry with them not just memories, but a deepened bond that promises to withstand the test of time.

Just as they're about to board the ship, Yeol's phone buzzes, startling him. He pulls it out and his eyes quickly scan the new message: "Chairman Lee is after you, be careful, his men must have already reached Europe by now..."

A jolt of anxiety courses through him. His face momentarily loses colour and he grips his phone a bit tighter. The peaceful morning suddenly feels heavy with an unseen threat.

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