Episode 14: "Michaela of Amalfi Coast"

Start from the beginning

One weekend, as Yeol was capturing the ethereal glow of the setting sun, a woman was nearby. Their paths almost crossed, an intricate ballet of destiny that didn't allow them to meet just yet. He continued to snap pictures, his focus on the breath-taking view, completely oblivious to the woman's presence.

"Such a beautiful town," he mused to himself, his eyes scanning the scenery through the lens of his camera. "Every corner is a picture waiting to be captured."

Later in the evening that day, as he sat in his room, browsing through the day's captures, he noticed the same woman appearing in each of his frames. He found himself inexplicably drawn to her, her image evoking a sense of déjà vu.

"Who could she be?" he wondered aloud, his eyes glued to the woman's image on his laptop screen. "There's something about her that feels familiar."

The feeling was unsettling, yet intriguing. He felt a strange connection to the woman in the photo, a connection he couldn't quite fathom. As he stared at the image, a sense of familiarity washed over him. However, he couldn't recall if they had met before, the woman's face a puzzle that he was yet to piece together.

As the night deepened, Yeol found himself lost in his thoughts. He decided to call it a day, his mind still buzzing with questions about the mysterious woman. "Maybe tomorrow will bring some answers," he thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

That night, his dreams took him back to his past, and to his surprise, the faceless person in his nightmares suddenly had a face. She looked exactly like the woman caught in his photos.

"Don't.... don't leave me,.." he mumbled in his sleep, his brows furrowed in distress. He woke up in a cold sweat, the dream leaving him with a sense of unease. His heart was pounding, his breathing heavy. The face he couldn't place, yet felt so familiar, was now a part of his dreams. Little did he know, destiny was slowly weaving its intricate web.

In his dream, Yeol found himself back in his past, in a place that felt familiar yet distant. He was surrounded by a sense of warmth and comfort, as if he was home.

In the midst of this comforting scenery, he saw a woman. Her back was turned towards him, her figure bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. He couldn't see her face, but there was something about her that felt familiar, a sense of warmth that felt like home.

As he approached her, the woman turned around, and to his surprise, she looked exactly like the woman he had captured in his photos. Her eyes met his, a sense of recognition flashing in them. It was a face he couldn't place, yet it felt so familiar.

He reached out to her as she walk away from from, but just as he was about to touch her, he woke up. His heart was pounding, his breathing heavy. The dream left him with a sense of unease, the image of the woman's face etched in his mind.

He couldn't understand why the woman in his photos suddenly appeared in his dreams. He had never met her before, yet there was something about her that felt strangely familiar. It was a mystery that he was yet to solve, a puzzle that destiny had thrown his way.

At Mi Cha's Tarot Café;
The morning in Amalfi began with a jolt for Mi Cha. An official notice arrived, revealing that the old building housing her beloved tarot café was slated for renovation. The new owner planned to transform it into a guest house, a plan that threatened to uproot her life and business.

Mi Cha's heart sank as she read the notice. Her cafe wasn't just a business; it was her sanctuary, a place where she had found solace and purpose. The thought of it being swept away by the wave of renovation felt like a punch to her gut.

"This can't be happening," she muttered to herself, her eyes scanning the words on the notice again, hoping she had misunderstood.

The news didn't just affect Mi Cha. The other tenants, who had built their lives around their small businesses in the same building, were equally shocked. The usually vibrant atmosphere of the building was now filled with worried faces.

Mi Cha sought out the landlord, her face etched with concern. "This is too sudden," she pleaded. "We need more time."

The landlord, a kind old man, looked at her with sympathy. "I understand, Michaela~" he said, "but the decision is out of my hands now."

Feeling a sense of unity in their shared plight, Mi Cha and the other tenants decided to protest against the short notice. They gathered in the piazza, their voices rising in a chorus of dissent.

"We won't let this happen," one of the tenants shouted, his voice echoing across the piazza. "We have rights too!"

Despite the turmoil, Mi Cha felt a strange sense of hope. The road ahead was uncertain, but she wasn't alone. The people of Amalfi stood with her, their shared struggle forging a bond that was stronger than any challenge they might face. Little did she know, her life was about to take an unexpected turn.

At the Piazza – Amalfi Coast;
The town square of Amalfi was buzzing with anticipation. The town sheriff had called a community meeting to discuss the sudden renovation notice that had thrown their lives into disarray. The usually lively square was now filled with tense faces, the cheerful chatter replaced by hushed whispers of worry.

The town sheriff, a stern man respected by all, stood at the center, his gaze scanning the crowd. "The owner is coming to meet us," he announced, his voice echoing in the square. "He's willing to discuss compensation for the trouble caused."

The news was met with a mix of offense and resentment. The tenants, their lives disrupted by the sudden notice, were not easily appeased. Murmurs of discontent rippled through the crowd, their voices a chorus of dissent.

Among them, is Mi Cha, whom was now known to the people of Amalfi by her Italian name Michaela, she stood by them, her heart pounding in her chest. The thought of facing the new owner filled her with a mix of dread and defiance. She was ready to fight for her rights, ready to fight for her home.

As the owner finally arrived at the meeting venue, a wave of surprise washed over Mi Cha. The man stepping out of the sleek black car was none other than Lee Yeol. His presence brought a stunned silence over the crowd, all eyes turning towards him.

Michaela felt her heart skip a beat. She had not expected this, had not expected him. As their eyes met, a flood of memories washed over her, the past and the present colliding in a moment of recognition.

The owner of the building that housed her tarot cafe, the man who was uprooting her life, was none other than the person she once loved, or maybe still love. The revelation was a blow, leaving her reeling. Little did she know, destiny had just begun to unveil its plans.

Original Fan-Fiction by BU

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