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I stormed out of Isabella's office, my heart pounding with a mixture of frustration and hurt. The weight of my privilege and wealth seemed to amplify the intensity of my emotions. How could she dismiss me so easily? Did she not see the fire that burned within me, the passion that consumed my every thought?

Walking through the opulent halls of my family's estate, thoughts of revenge raced through my mind. I am Romeo, a man of means and influence who refused to be ignored. The anger that coursed through my veins fueled my determination to make a statement, to show Isabella the consequences of dismissing me.

But as the adrenaline subsided, I felt a wave of remorse wash over me. Was my anger justified? Was it fair to let my pride dictate my actions? Deep down, I knew that my actions were driven by a wounded ego, not by genuine love or understanding.

In the moonlit gardens of the estate, surrounded by beauty that mirrored the turmoil within my soul, I found solace. The stars above seemed to whisper words of wisdom, reminding me that true power lies not in material belongings but in compassion and forgiveness.

I realized that my anger and wealth were not the answers to my problems. Instead, I needed to confront my insecurities to understand the complexities of love and relationships. Perhaps it was time to humble myself, seek Isabella's love, and strive for a deeper connection. But then I laughed out loud at the thought. Who was I kidding? She was mine to take, mine to threaten, and mine to make suffer.

I drove aimlessly around the estate before stopping by my annoying best friend's house. I could already see his stupid smile from a distance, and I bet that he was ready to tease me for something stupid. As I came down and opened the door, he stood there with his million-dollar smile, and I was thankful that I wore shades. "So, how did it go? When is the wedding? I hope you know I'm your best man, right? Unless..." he gasped, "you replaced me, how could you?" I rolled my eyes at him and barged in. The fact that this man is a CEO, one of the best CEOs of all time, is what always surprises me. If I hadn't grown up with him, I would have thought it had to be a mistake. "There is no wedding," I said through gritted teeth. "Yet," he replied, and I remembered why we were friends. "Spill the details, dude." I looked at him dumbfounded, "Have you been watching Mean Girls again? You're a grown-ass man" he sighs like he is done with my bullshit "Listen, man, you can scold me later First tell me did she fall in love with you immediately she saw you or did she kiss you or ask for money cmon man give me something to work with over here" I give him a lazy smile "well she did the exact opposite of all those so.." he first stares at me blankly, then he grins from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat."Why the hell are you smiling like that? Stop that it's disgusting Dante". "You guys love seems to be one-sided enemies to lovers eh fine then I accept who am I to refuse." I sigh, wondering how my life became like this and what I did wrong in my life.

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